Since 2017 the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes in Environmental Engineering have been awarded the EUR-ACE® label for European high-quality certification of engineering degree programmes |
The Master's Programme in Environmental Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (fully taught in English) provides an advanced background for careers in environmental engineering, particularly in consultancy, planning, design and management of actions, structures and infrastructures for mitigation of climate change effects and improvement in land resilience to such effects.
Graduates in Environmental Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation will find professional career opportunities, in Europe and abroad, in: public authorities, institutions and control agencies, technical services, private companies and enterprises, consultancy and environmental counselling firms, research and higher education institutions
The Call for Application for the Honours Programme - A.Y. 2024-25 (ITA and ENG versions) are now open: enrolled for the first time in the A.Y. 2023/24 can partecipate if they acquired as of 31 October 2024 all the credits (CFU) expected in the first year of the course, with a mark average at least equal or higher to 27/30.
The lessons for the first semester started on Monday, September 23rd, 2024. Please find HERE the schedule of the classes (CET time). For the FIRST SEMESTER OF THE FIRST YEAR ONLY, lessons will be also live-streamed online due to the lengthy bureaucracy for VISA approval, so that you can attend before moving to Italy, if necessary. You can find the related information to connect to the virtual classrooms on the Instructors' pages below.
The lessons for the second semester started on Monday 26th February 2024.
Call for Applications to the Honours Programme 2023/2024: Deadline: Jan. 12th, 2024
The lessons for the first semester started on Monday, September 25th, 2023. Please find attached the schedule of the classes (CET time): 1st YEAR - 2nd YEAR. For the FIRST SEMESTER OF THE FIRST YEAR ONLY, lessons will be also live-streamed online due to the lengthy bureaucracy for VISA approval, so that you can attend before moving to Italy, if necessary. You can find the related information to connect to the virtual classrooms on the Instructors' pages below.
In occasione di Porte aperte alla Sapienza, la Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale ti invita a partecipare a due incontri indimenticabili. L’11 e 12 luglio, dalle 17:30 alle 19:30, avrai l'opportunità di assistere a una serie di sperimentazioni e presentazioni presso la nostra sede di San Pietro in Vincoli (Via Eudossiana 18). Preparati a rimanere a bocca aperta mentre i nostri talentuosi dottorandi ti mostreranno le attività più avvincenti della facoltà e ti sveleranno curiosità ingegneristiche che ti lasceranno senza fiato! C’è un mondo intero da scoprire. Prenota il tuo posto e non lasciare che questa occasione unica ti sfugga. Vieni a scoprire la passione per l'ingegneria e a esplorare le incredibili opportunità che ti aspettano alla Sapienza. Ti aspettiamo!
Il bando in italiano è disponibile al seguente link: Lo studente interessato deve presentare domanda di ammissione alla valutazione comparativa, utilizzando l’apposita procedura predisposta sul sito: