Enrolment for Bachelor’s degrees


All information for foreign students is available at https://www.uniroma1.it/en/pagina/hello-international-student-help-desk 

In order to access the 3 Bachelor’s degrees offered by the Department it will be necessary to undergo a preliminary assessment in order to determine whether you will need to follow an extra course during your first year.
The 3 degree courses, taught in Italian, are: 

  • Comunicazione pubblica e d'impresa L-20 (Corporate and Public Administration Communication)
  • Comunicazione, tecnologie e culture digitali L-20 (Communication, technologies and digital culture)
  • Cooperazione internazionale e sviluppo L-37 (International cooperation and development)
Students that receive a score that is lower than that required in the call for applicants will have to take an extra course during their first year. 
Further information can be found in the call for applicants that is published mid-July at the following links.

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