Research doctorate courses

First year

During their first year students must attend courses and seminars and begin to specify a research subject that will be the topic of their PhD dissertation. Within June students must prepare a report with specific references about the selected topic and begin to prepare their research project. Students carry out their research activities under the supervision of a university professor who is appointed as tutor. Within October an oral presentation regarding a research project is required and transition from first year to the next depends on the Faculty of the Doctoral School and on the tutor's positive assessment of the doctoral student’s performance. At the end of the first year a written report is also required. In this report each student has to gather information about courses and seminars attended in the doctorate programme, about scientific activities involved in the dissertation project, about other educational activities, and participation to national and/or international congresses. Tutors provide written evaluations about students’ proficiency.


Advanced institutional courses (5) Seminars or laboratory activities (10) Research related activities (5) Educational and research activities autonomously chosen by students (approved by tutors and members of the Doctoral Faculty)(5)
1) How to read a scientific paper; 2) Statistic and metholodogy courses (psychometric statistics, measurement in psychology, research methodology: experimental design) 3) How to define and assess hypotheses; 4) La ricerca bibliografica in Psicologia e l’individuazione delle riviste di settore; 5) Qualitative data analysis in clinical psychology

Second year

During the second year the student is required to implement the research project which was framed in the first year, concluding full organization of procedures, instruments to be used and data gathering and analysis. During the second year students are invited to spend a period abroad or in national institutions of specific interest for their research project. Before the end of June students must present a report on the state of their research project, recognizing possible methodological flaws hindering the attainment of expected results. The report needs to be evaluated by the tutor. Before the end of October students will present their research work orally to the Faculty, who will decide on their admission to the third year. At the end of th second year students are required to hand in to the Coordinator a report stating their involvement in tuition, in scientific activity, in their dissertation project, in other training activities; on periods of study spent abroad and on participation to national and/or international Meetings. Tutors will provide written opinions on individual students' proficiency.
Advanced courses (4) Seminars or laboratory activities (10) Research related activities (4) Educational and research activities autonomously chosen by students (approved by tutors and members of the Doctoral Faculty) (4)
1) ) Statistics (Correspondence analysis; discriminant analysis; exploratory and confirmative factor analysis; linear and general models; repeated measures and mixed models). 2) Advanced course on control and verification of hypotheses. . 3) How to write a scientific paper 4) APsychometric analysis of assessment instruments (construction, validation, adaptation).

Third year

During the third year students are required to complete their research project, data processing and writing of their dissertation. Before the end of June students must present a report on results obtained, showing clinical meaning and possible applications of their data. The report must receive positive evaluation on part of the tutor in order to access the final doctorate examination. Before the end of November students will present final results of their research work to the Doctorate Faculty and will hand in to the Coordinator a copy of their dissertation for discussion with external members. The final examination will take place as a public presentation of the dissertation to a board composed of three members from other Universities, nominated by the Doctorate Faculty and approved by the Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology. Members of the board will receive a copy of the dissertation one month before the presentation at the latest and will assess the identity of candidates following their discussion. At the end of the third year tutors are required to hand in to the Coordinator a report on the student's activity in the dissertation project, in training activities followed, in stages abroad and in participation to national or international Meetings in which data desumed from the dissertation were presented. Tutors will also supply a written evaluation on each candidate's proficiency.
Advanced courses (4) Seminars or laboratory activities (10) Research related activities (2) Educational and research activities autonomously chosen by students (approved by tutors and members of the Doctoral Faculty) (2)
1) Evaluation of a scientific paper 2) Course on meta-analysis 3) Responding to and writing referee remarks 4) Multiple Regression models, structural equations, multilevel models for longitudinal data . During each year a cycle of seminars on specific scientific areas considered in the doctorate.
will take place Student mobility Each student can spend some months abroad in research centers and/or institutes attaining his/her research project following approval on part of the Doctorate Faculty. Students are strongly advised to spend some time abroad in connection with their project and will receive economic support according to available resources.


Research doctorate courses




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