sede: BOTANICA CU022 piano 1 stanza 110
telefono(i): 22433

Massimo Reverberi graduated cum laude in Biology in 1996 and obtained his PhD in Botany in 2001 in Sapienza, Università di Roma, where he is currently associate Professor in Molecular Plant Pathology and from 2009, a permanent member of the PhD school in in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology.

His studies focus on the multiple interactions environment-plant-pathogens in particular regarding the relation among oxidative stress, lipid signals and the biosynthesis of several mycotoxins in different pre- and post-harvest fungal pathogens.

He participated to several European project on the control of the biosynthesis of some mycotoxins in different foodstuffs and on the application of the integrated control against fungi responsible for post-harvest spoilages. He was coordinator in several Research Unit of National Project among which one funded by MIUR on the use of PUFA from Antarctic fungi as feed additives. Massimo Reverberi has authored or co-authored almost 60 peer-reviewed, ISI-indexed publications on various aspects of plant pathology, mycology and microbiology (Hi17) and attended as speaker several International Congresses.

Reverberi, Massimo_scientometrics_scopus_march 2018

Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Department of Environmental Biology, Rome, Italy
Author ID: 6603452320
  • Documents:

  • Citations:1070 total citations by 774 documents
  • h-index
  • Co-authors:150
  • Subject area:
    Agricultural and Biological Sciences ,  Immunology and Microbiology

5 Pubblicazioni scelte 2013-2017 – in Q1 secondo ISI

1)         Scarpari, M., Reverberi, M., Parroni, A., Scala, V., Fanelli, C., Pietricola, C., Zjalic, S., Maresca, V., Tafuri, A., Ricciardi, M.R., Licchetta, R., Mirabilii, S., Sveronis, A., Cescutti, P., Rizzo, R. Tramesan, a novel polysaccharide from Trametes versicolor. Structural characterization and biological effects (2017) PLoS ONE, 12 (8), art. no. e0171412, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171412

2)         Sanzani, S.M., Reverberi, M., Geisen, R. Mycotoxins in harvested fruits and vegetables: Insights in producing fungi, biological role, conducive conditions, and tools to manage postharvest contamination. (2016) Postharvest Biology and Technology, 122, pp. 95-105. DOI: 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2016.07.003

3) Sanzani Simona Marianna, Reverberi M., Fanelli Corrado and Ippolito Antonio. Detection of Ochratoxin a Using Molecular Beacons and Real-Time PCR Thermal Cycler. Toxins 2015, 7, 812-820; doi:10.3390/toxins7030812

4)         Scarpari M., C. Bello, C. Pietricola, M. Zaccaria, L. Bertocchi, A. Angelucci, M.R. Ricciardi, V. Scala, A. Parroni, A.A. Fabbri, Reverberi M., S. Zjalic, C. Fanelli (2014). Aflatoxin Control in Maize by Trametes versicolor TOXINS (ISSN:2072-6651), DOI: 10.3390/toxins6123426

5) Chitarrini G., C. Nobili, F. Pinzari, A. Antonini, P. De Rossi, A. Del Fiore, S. Procacci, V. Tolaini, V. Scala, M. Scarpari, Reverberi M. (2014) Buckwheat achenes antioxidant profile modulates Aspergillus flavus growth and aflatoxin production, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 189, Pages 1-10, ISSN 0168-1605,



area di ricerca:

linee di ricerca

  1. Relazione tra stress ossidativo, formazione di ossilipine e biosintesi di diverse micotossine in funghi micotossigeni del pre- e post-raccolta.
  2. Prevenzione e/o detossificazione delle micotossine in diversi matrici utilizzate per produrre alimenti e mangimi animali utilizzando alcuni funghi basidiomiceti e I loro prodotti bioattivi.
  3. Sviluppo di sensori innovativi e metodi per rilevare le micotossine ed i funghi micotossigeni in alimenti e mangimi.
  4. DNA barcoding di funghi patogeni.

curriculum: italiano english

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