
NODYCON 2021, originally planned to be held in Rome, February 16-19, 2021, will now be hosted as a virtual online conference on the planned dates to overcome the uncertainties related to the COVID-19 crisis.
The online conference is creatively designed to help corroborate and cement the sense of cohesiveness and liveliness of the NODYCON community. The in-person NODYCON conference is postponed to June 2022 and updates will be posted here. The NODYCON 2021 online conference will feature keynotes/webinars of broad interest, round tables, workshops, and oral presentations covering recent advances in the rich spectrum of topics covered by NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, including new frontiers and challenges such as nonlinear dynamics, control and perspectives of the COVID-19 pandemic. The full-length indexed papers will be published by Springer Nature.

The Conference will be preceded  by two workshops on Monday, February 15. 
 Workshop1: Multidisciplinary approach to high-lift device project: MSC Software integrated simulation tools, Mr. D. Catelani
 Workshop2: Continuation techniques for pedestrians and mountain climbers using the COCO software platform, Prof. H. Dankowicz

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma