Musso Maria Giovanna
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Short Bio: 
Maria Giovanna Musso è professore associato presso Sapienza, Università di Roma, dove insegna Sociologia del Mutamento, della Creatività e dell'Arte. Si occupa di: sistemi complessi; immaginario sociale; relazione tra arte, scienza e tecnologie; capitalismo, lavoro e nuove tecnologie; violenza, in particolare violenza contro le donne.
Short Bio ENG: 

Maria Giovanna Musso is Associate Professor at the University of Rome, Sapienza (Department of Social and Economic Sciences), where she teaches Social Change, Art and Creativity and Sociological Theories.
Among her areas of study are: Complex Systems; Social Imaginary; the relationship between Art, Science and Technologies; Capitalism, Labour and New Technologies; Violence, especially Violence against Women.
She has served as Graduate Director for the Master’s in Education, and convened conferences about Social Change, Aesthetics, Creativity and Innovation. She has been creator and curator of many cultural events, including several editions of ArteScienza [ArtScience]. She is member of the editorial board of Im@go, a series of Mimesis Press; Honorary
Member of AIEMS (Italian Association of Systemic Epistemology and Methodology), Member of the Bord of a Section of AIS (Associazione Italiana di Sociologia) and member of the PCA (Association pour la pensée complexe/Association for Complex Thought).

She has published books, articles and essays about social change, epistemology, imaginary complexity and art, including:

  • Legame sociale, Legame globale. La modernità dei classici [Social Bonds, Global Bonds. The modernity of classical social theory], 2nd Edition. Milan: Franco Angeli
  • Il sistema e l’osserv-attore. Itinerari di sociologia della complessità [The system and the Observ-actor. Pathways of sociology of complexity], (Preface by Edgar Morin). Milan: Franco Angeli Edizioni
  • La trave nell’occhio: Mito e scienza dello sviluppo [The Plank in the Eye: Myth and the Science of Development]. (2nd Edition). Edizioni Associate
  • Violence and social change. The new routes of sovereignty in the Global World, International Review of Sociology /Revue Internationale de Sociologie, 2/2020
  • Violence against women between globality and persistence, Themed Section on Global Violence and Social Change, International Review of Sociology /Revue Internationale de Sociologie, 2/2020
  • Di carne e d’anima. Corpo, performance e limiti dell’umano, in M. L. Tina, A. Polverini e S. Ferrari, Il corpo in performance, Mimesis, pp. 43-60 (ISBN: 9788857570648)
  • Immaginario, tecnica e mutamento sociale (Social Imaginary, Technology and Social Change) in Marzo P. L. e Mori L., Le vie sociali dell’immaginario. Per una sociologia del profondo, Meltemi, Milano, 2019
  • Violence against women in the age of digital reproduction, in “Scuola Democratica”, Proceedings of the First International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica, Education and Post-Democracy, Cagliari, 6-8 giugno 2019, Vol. 1, pp. 158-163
  • Musso, M. G., Photography as an art of recognition, in: Pajewsky C., The hands of the city, Rome, 2017 Drago Ed.
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