Prof. Giuseppe Pomarico "A journey into the multifaceted chemistry of pyrrole macrocycles. And then beyond, where chemistry meets biology" Dip. Chimica [chiamata]

Monday, November 6, 2023 - 10:30

A journey into the mul.faceted chemistry of pyrrole macrocycles. And then beyond, where chemistry meets biology.

The beau(fully constructed porphyrinoid ligand, perfected over the course of evolu(on, provides a suitable substrate that in the last decades has been exploited in several fields of research, as for instance (but not limited to) in chemical sensors, catalysis, and medicine.
Chemical versa(lity, peculiar photophysical and electrochemical proper(es and the ability to coordinate many elements of the periodic table are some of the characteris(cs that explain the long las(ng interest toward porphyrins and more recently for the structurally related macrocycle named corrole.

Although the molecular skeleton of corrole, the so called “liCle (structurally), big (chemically) porphyrinoid” is very close to that of the most famous porphyrin, its chemistry is challenging and amazing at the same (me.
Over the years the func(onaliza(on of corrole peripheral posi(ons (by halogena(on, nitra(on, expansion of aroma(c system, inser(on of electroac(ve groups and framework rearrangement) and the coordina(on of metal ions (Fe, P, Si) have been inves(gated; some of the results achieved will be described, highligh(ng the versa(lity of this tetrapyrrole, whose proper(es can be adapted to different applica(ons via modifica(ons of the molecular skeleton.

ALer a brief descrip(on on the development of a sustainable approach for tetrapyrroles bromina(on, a more recent field of research focused on the engineering of extracellular vesicles (EVs) will be introduced.
EVs, biogenic nanopar(cles “made by cells for cells”, are currently under inves(ga(on as a breakthrough in precision nanomedicine.

The effects of EV surface decora(on with (ssue-specific protein ligands aimed to improve the targe(ng proper(es has been inves(gated. In parallel, the effect of the interac(on with extrinsic proteins, a so far underrated issue in EV engineering, has been considered.


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