Other Programs


Thanks to funds provided by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and Sapienza's own contributions, I3S offers its undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students (as long as they have a scholarship) every year the opportunity to spend a period of study , to take exams or do thesis research in one of the non-EU institutions with which it has bilateral agreements in force.
The salient feature of mobility based on an agreement between ours and the foreign institution consists in the mutual advantage (both for those who leave and for arriving at Sapienza) of the TOTAL EXEMPTION from the payment of registration fees at the host university. The selected Sapienza student (outgoing) will continue to pay taxes normally at Sapienza and NOT at the foreign university.
To this advantage is added the university contribution of € 2,100 provided by the Area for Internationalization (ARI) and overall for the entire period of stay abroad, which cannot be less than 90 days and up to a maximum of 2 consecutive semesters.
Remember that the grant is only allowed once for each study cycle and that the grant cannot be combined with other contributions.

The call for applications is published once a year and is published on this site and on the University website where further information is available.

Our Faculty has active agreements with:

  • Renmin University of China (School of Economics), Cina (ref. Prof.ssa Marcuzzo)
  • Graduate School of Engineering – Tohoku University, Giappone (ref. Prof. De Luca)
  • Graduate School of Information Sciences – Tohoku University, Giappone (ref. Prof. Nardi)
  • University of New York at Buffalo,  Stati Uniti (ref. Prof.ssa Cuomo)
  • National Research University of Electronic Technology "MIET" - Mosca,  Russia (ref. Prof.ssa Catarci)
  • School of Eng. - University of Melbourne, Australia (ref. Relazioni Internazionali Sapienza)

A double degree or joint degree program is an integrated study program established by Sapienza with one or more foreign universities that allows students to attend part of their career at their university and a part at the partner universities involved , obtaining at the end of the course a title recognized in all the countries involved. The opportunity offered by this type of international courses is, first of all, that of entering an international context and, often, also in the world of work.

I3S has entered into double title agreements with the following universities

With the network of French universities Stick&A (Université Paris Sud 11, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Université de Nantes, Université de Grenoble Joseph Fournier, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, SUPAERO, SUPELEC, ENSEA Cergy Pontoise, ESIEE Noisy-le-Grand, Ecole Polytechnique Université de Grenoble):

Referent: prof. Salvatore Monaco
    •    LT in Ingegneria dei sistemi
    •    LT in Ingegneria delle comunicazioni
    •    LT in Ingegneria dell’informazione
    •    LT in Ingegneria elettronica
    •    LT in Ingegneria gestionale
    •    LT in Ingegneria informatica e automatica
    •    LM in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
    •    LM in Engineering in Computer Science
    •    LM in Ingegneria automatica – Control Engineering
    •    LM in Ingegneria delle comunicazioni
    •    LM in Ingegneria elettronica
    •    LM in Ingegneria gestionale

Referent: prof. Luca Tardella

     • LM in Scienze statistiche e decisionali con Université Paris Dauphine


For further information, contact the referents directly and consult the University website




© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma