Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
The first page of the manuscript should include: title of the manuscript, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), contact details of the corresponding author (postal address, phone, e-mail, and fax), an abstract of 100-200 words, and not more than 6 key words. The second page should include the title of the manuscript in capital letters, the abstract and the key words without name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s).
The corresponding author shall receive all correspondence and off-prints. He/she is also responsible for proofs checks.
Manuscript formatting requirements: Paper size: A4; Page margins: top/bottom/left/right – 2.5 cm = 1 inch; Text: double spaced; Font: Ariel or Times New Roman; Font size: 12 points; Alignment: Justified. No footnotes allowed. Use endnotes instead.
The text must be written in British English and and must be between 4.000 and 6.000 words.
Headings formatting – must be bold, not in capital letters, no indent. Place one return after the previous paragraph. Sections in research papers and research notes may be numbered (e.g. 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.). No numbering is required for sections in book reviews and doctoral dissertation summaries.
Tables and Figures should be incorporated in the text. They must be numbered using Arabic numeral. The title and number of the table has to be above the table, aligned left, and not in capital letters. The name of the table should be in italic. The title and number of the figure has to be below the figure, centred, in italic and not in capital letters. The figures must be provided in a print-ready form in their final size.
References. In the text references must be included using the Harvard system – “author, date” style (e.g. Webster, 2005). Page numbers for specific points or direct quotations must be given. The reference list must be placed at the end of the manuscript and ordered in alphabetical order of authors. Specific formats:
For journal articles - Buhalis, D. (2000). Marketing the competitive destination of the future. Tourism Management, 21(1), 97-116.
For books and monographs - Kotler, P., Haider, D. H., & Rein, I. (1993). Marketing places: Attracting investment, industry and tourism to cities, states and nations. New York: The Free Press.
For chapters in books – Bachvarov, M. (2006). Tourism in Bulgaria. In Hall, D., Smith, M., & Marciszewska, B. (eds.) (2006). Tourism in New Europe. The challenges and opportunities of EU enlargement. Wallingford: CAB International, 241-255.
For conference reports – Cooper, A., & Wilson, A. (2002). Extending the relevance of TSA research for the UK: general equilibrium and spillover analysis. Paper presented at the VIth International Forum on Tourism Statistics, 25th-27th September 2002, Budapest.
For Internet sources - Wirtz, J., Kimes, S., Ho, J., & Patterson, P. (2002). Revenue management: resolving potential customer conflicts. Working Paper Series. School of Hotel Administration. Cornell University. URL: (Accessed on 16.12.2005).