The 7th IRNIST Conference has been rescheduled for 23-24 June 2021


Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to announce that IRNIST Conference 2021 will take place in telematic mode on 23-24 June 2021.

Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus, it is not possible to be all together in Rome as we would have liked. During this last year, we postponed the conference several times hoping that the pandemic situation would end, but at this point we have decided not to postpone further and to carry out it in telematic mode.

Those who had already submitted an abstract for the conference can decide whether to confirm, cancel or submit an other one proposal by writing to the email: For those who instead have not yet submitted any proposal, we inform you that it is possible to send new proposals by March 21, 2021

All updated information to attend the conference online can be found on the site:

Best regards
Barbara Mazza and Claude Sobry

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma