Antonio Musarò- One Health Master Director

Histologist, senior research fellow of the School of Advanced Studies (SSAS), and coordinator of the Doctoral School in Morphogenesis and Tissue Engineering.

Full Professor of Histology and Embryology, Sapienza University of Rome 

Isabella Saggio- One Health Master Codirector 

Genetic biologist co-coordinator of Spoke 7 Impact - NBFC.

Full Professor of Genetics and Genetic Therapy, Sapienza University of Rome  

Mattia Crespi- Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati Sapienza (SSAS) Director 

Geomatics expert, director of the School of Advanced Studies (SSAS), and corresponding member of the Accademia Dei Lincei.

Full Professor of Positioning and Geomatics, Sapienza University of Rome 

Vittorio Lingiardi

Author, psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst.

'Full Professor of Dynamic Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome 

Giorgio Manzi

Anthropologist, paleontologist, and scientific communicator. Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

Full Professor of Anthropology, Sapienza University of Rome 

Simone Pollo

Enviromental ethicist. 

Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy, Sapienza University of Rome  

Giovanna Serino

Molecular biologist and biotechnologist.

Associate Professor of Molecular Biology, Sapienza University of Rome  


Experts and Professors

Daniela Rhodes 


Full professor, founding Director of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Institute of Structural Biology


Molecular and structural biologist, she has contributed fundamentally to the understanding of the structure and function of nucleic acids and their interactions with many different proteins. It determined the structures of several important protein-DNA complexes involved in transcription and provided some of the first structural information on telomeric proteins.

Cornelius Gross


Neurobiologist expert in the study of the circuits that control instinct and fear. Director of the European Molecular Laboratory (EMBL) in Rome.


Director of EMBL in Rome.

Andrea Lenzi


MD and President of the National Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and of the National Committee of Guarantors for Research of the MIUR.


Full Professor in Endocrinology, Sapienza University of Rome

Aldo Sandulli


Full professor in Administrative Law, Luiss University

Simona Fraschetti 


Ecologist, president of the European Marine Biological Symposium and Research Fellow of the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, co-coordinator for Spoke 1 Mare- NBFC.


Full professor in Ecology, University of Naples Federico II

Lorenzo Fioramonti


Funding Director of the Institute of Sustainability at the Univeristy of Surreyand a former member of Parliament and Minister of Education, Univeristy and Research in Italy.


Professor and Director of the Sustainability Institute, Surrey University

Annamaria La Chimia


Professor of Law, University of Nottingham

Hellas Cena 


Pro-Rector of the Third Mission, Delegate RUS-Cibo, MD, University of Pavia


Moreno Di Marco


Biologist and expert in biodiversity.


Associate Professor in Systematic Zoology, Sapienza University of Rome

Alberto Di Minin 


Full Professor in Economics and Business Management, Sant'Anna Scuola University Superiore Pisa

Maria Chiara Pastore 


Associate Professor in Architecture, Polytechnic of Milan


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