Monitoring Committee


The Monitoring Committee is a part of the Faculty established in 2012 in place of the Evaluation Unit and sanctioned by art. 12 of the Sapienza Statute.

Function: The Committee performs support functions for the Evaluation Unit and the University Quality Control Unit, to which it provides useful data and information for the Quality Assurance of Study Programs and Departments belonging to the Faculty.

Assigned tasks:

  • Quality assurance monitoring, self-assessment, review and improvement processes of Study Programs at Faculty and Department level, with particular attention to issues managed at coordination structure level and not delegated to individual Study Programmes.
  • Ensure the correct flow of information to and from the Quality Team, the Evaluation Unit and the teacher-student Joint Commissions of the relevant Faculty and Departments.
  • Support the University Quality Team in proposing the adoption of common tools for assurance monitoring and the provision of training activities for the purposes of their application.
  • Providing support to Study Programmes, their contact persons, the Quality assurance Commissions of Study Programmes, and the Heads of Departments belonging to the Faculty for their Quality Assurance activities.
  • Consolidate the network model of Sapienza Quality Assurance at Faculty level, which is of fundamental importance for co-responsibility for Quality Commissions, Study Programs and Departments in overseeing the Quality Assurance and self-assessment process.
  • Support Study Programs and Departments for a better implementation and integration of teaching programming (Educational Offer, Class Schedule, Classroom Management, Calendaring, Profit Exams) through the analysis and evaluation of OPIS and OPID questionnaires.


Composition: Teachers, Students and Collaborators


Academic member of the Monitoring Committee

Prof.ssa Daniela De Biase (Coordinator) 

Prof. Roberto Cangemi

Prof.ssa Maria Paola Cristalli

Prof. Roberto Di Giorgio

 Prof.ssa Susanna Morano

Prof. Maurizio Muscaritoli

Prof. Alfredo Rossi

Prof.ssa Mary Anna Venneri


Student component

Sig.ra Luisa Maria Cappone 

Sig. Giovanni Cucchiara

Sig. Roberto Falla

Sig.ra Ludovica Frasca

Sig. Fabrizio Sebastiani

Sig. Andrea Terzo



Dott.ssa Serena Armillotta
Dott.ssa Michela Di Lullo
Dott.ssa Angelica D'Errico
Dott. Marco Forti
Dott.ssa Giordana Martino



The activity of the Committee is also carried out through training and dissemination of quality policies, with the aim of deepening and following up on the obligations established by the AVA System and the related organizational and procedural models adopted by the University Quality Team.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma