
The administrative offices of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry support the Dean, Prof. Domenico Alvaro, in terms of quality assurance, institutional coordination, rationalisation and monitoring of the educational activities of the Faculty departments, and development of third mission activities, as established by the University's 2016-2021 strategic plan.


The different administrative offices are shown on the menu on the left.


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The administrative offices are located on two floors of the ex-Scre building:

  • The offices of the Masters Programme in Medicine and Surgery ‘D’, of the interfaculty Masters Programme in Medicine and Surgery ‘F’, of the Bachelors Programmes in the Health Professions, of the degree exams in Medicine and Surgery, and of the Erasmus programme are located on the GROUND FLOOR. The offices on this floor are dedicated to administrative procedures related to: educational information, student scholarships and assignments, and extra-institutional assignments for teaching staff.
  • the Dean's office as well as the administrative offices responsible for activities related to the Faculty's governing bodies are located on the SECOND FLOOR.

 The activities of the administrative offices of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry will be suspended  from the 21rd to the 24th of December 2021.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma