
Examination Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Reminder for graduating students

The Student Affairs Office instructions are stated in the reminder to graduating students.

Application requirements

At the time of submitting the degree application, students must have paid all fees and passed all exams. Exceptions will be granted only and exclusively to allow students to take the last 3 exams within the deadlines indicated in the schedule. Starting from academic year 2017/2018, an exception will be granted to allow students to take the last 2 exams.
Please note: In the case of exams taken, but not yet registered on Infostud, students must complete and attach the form "Substitute declaration of exams taken" to the application, which is available at the following link: student recipients)

Online degree request - Instructions for students - Infostud Lauree 2.0

Starting with the November 2017 session, graduates of the Degree Programmes in Medicine and Surgery and Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, the Masters Programme in Medical Biotechnology, and the Masters Programme in Scientific Biomedical Communication will have to submit the degree application only on Infostud through the online procedures at the following link.
The forms must be completed electronically, according to the following Instructions.

Information to be included in the degree application:

  • Thesis mentor
  • Thesis topic
  • Thesis title

Documentation to be attached to the online degree application by uploading files in PDF format:

  1. Valid identification document (if not already on Infostud) - REQUIRED
  2. Health card or tax code card (if not already on Infostud) - REQUIRED
  3. Receipt of the Almalaurea questionnaire - - REQUIRED
  4. The degree thesis uploaded in .pdf format - REQUIRED (see the following paragraph)
  5. Gomp relative to the year of enrolment for graduates of Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics and the Masters Programmes in Medical Biotechnology and Scientific Biomedical Communication
  6. Authorisation form for exams taken in degree programmes other than the one in which the student is enrolled, and for exams taken outside the study path for educational continuity (if the exams are not already registered and validated on Infostud) - REQUIRED
  7. Copy of Didactic Elective Activities (ADE) - REQUIRED
  8. High school diploma – OPTIONAL

Uploading the Thesis

In the 24 April 2018 session, the inter-faculty degree programme commission established the deadlines relative to the uploading of the thesis by the student and the approval of the thesis from the mentor, effective from the June 2018 graduation session:

  • the thesis must be uploaded by the student by the 15th of the month of the graduation session;
  • the final thesis must be approved by the mentor by the 17th of the month of the graduation session.

Failure to upload the thesis and/or receive approval from the advisor doesn't allow the student to be admitted to the graduation session, even if present on the published lists.

For this reason, we recommend seriousness and punctuality in respecting these requirements.

Please note that in addition to what is required by the provisions referred to in the link:, the student can upload any document deemed useful in the evaluation by the competent Graduation Committee. Each file should be named in a clear manner in order to facilitate its review.

Please note that international experience recognised by the Faculty or by the degree programme in question can be evaluated only if the graduating student uploads documentation in the "Infostud Lauree 2.0" system that clearly indicates the duration and completion of the international experience (Erasmus +, Erasmus + Traineeship, Free-mover, degree thesis abroad). This means that the student must have received prior authorisation as well as official documentation that certifies the completion of the international experience in question.

Instructions for uploading the thesis are on page 7 of the document available at the following link: Instructions for online degree application

Cancellation of the degree application

To cancel the degree application, follow the instructions on page 6 of the Instructions.

Replication of the degree application

To replicate the degree application for the following graduation session, it is necessary to cancel (see above) and submit a new degree application.

Layout of the thesis

To download the Sapienza logo and view the graphic instructions related to the layout of the thesis, consult the dedicated web page.

A model for the abstract and details regarding the structure of the text for the degree thesis in Medicine and Surgery are also available.

Remember to send the abstract no later than 24 hours after the publication of the Graduation Committee to each professor of the Committee. The abstract relating to the President of the Committee must be sent to Daniela Chiappini at

Online degree application - Procedures for teachers

To make it easier for teachers to manage the online procedure for degree applications, the University has published a video tutorial and a manual describing all the steps.

Important Information for Graduation Sessions

The paper copy of the thesis, as well as the Power Point presentation for the discussion of the thesis, must be presented on the same day as the degree examination, before the beginning of the session. In order to better organise the session. Candidates are encouraged to arrive 45 minutes before the beginning of the session and to advise friends and relatives that before, during, and after the graduation session, any behaviour that disturbs either the hospital structure in which the exam is held or any other part of the Policlinico Umberto I University Hospital Campus will not be tolerated. Any non-compliant behavior may be reported to the competent authorities.

Office hours for graduating students

Office hours for graduating students at the Medicine and Surgery Graduation Services Office are the following:

  • Monday and Thursday from 3.00-4.00 pm at the CU034 building in the Città Universitaria (Dr. Domenico Della Peruta)
  • Monday and Wednesday from 9.30-11.30 am at the EX-SCREE building (ground floor) – Administrative Offices of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at Policlinico Umberto I (Mrs. Daniela Chiappini)

Office hours are suspended on days of graduation sessions.

For questions and clarifications, send an e-mail to

Examination Degree in the Health Professions

  • To graduate, students are required to book the degree examination online by clicking "Prenotati all’esame di laurea [book the degree exam]” at the bottom of the page. In the degree programme field, students must report the degree programme relative to the last enrolment (the exact wording can be verified by consulting the graduation fee bulletin - not the payment receipt). At the end of the booking, students will receive a confirmation e-mail that must be attached to the degree application;
  • Students must use their institutional e-mail (surname.registration which can be activated from the web page;
  • Graduating students must submit the application from their Infostud page: (Degree Application);
  • It is not necessary to go to the Faculty administration building to book the exam;
  • If the student fails to graduate in the graduation session for which he/she is booked, the student must cancel his/her application and submit a new degree application, in order to be admitted to the following graduation sessions;
  • The procedures, deadlines, documents, and instructions for the thesis (compulsory for graduating students of Masters Programmes) are indicated in the reminder "Graduating students - Health Professions";
  • The online booking alone does not authorise the student to discuss the degree thesis, but is only one of the requirements that must be met for the presentation of the degree application.

Book the examination degree in the Health Professions

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma