Pubblicazioni / Publications 2011


  • M.Pontani, P.Teofilatto, “Post-aerocapture orbit selection and maintenance for the aerofast mission to Mars”, 62nd International Astronautical Congress -  IAC 2011, 6, pp. 4760-4771. [paper]
  • C.Toglia, M.Sabatini, P.Gasbarri, G.B.Palmerini “Optimal Target Grasping of a Flexible Space Manipulator for a Class of Objectives”, Acta Astronautica, vol.68, n.7-8, pp. 1031-1041 (2011). [paper]
  • F. Celani, “Output regulation for the TORA benchmark via rotational position feedback”, Automatica, vol. 47, n. 3, pp. 584-590. [paper]
  • R.Monti, R.Barboni, P.Gasbarri, M.Sabatini, G.B.Palmerini, “An experimental testbed to simulate space manipulators GNC”, paper IEEEAC1480, IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings (2011). [paper]
  • M.Sabatini, R.Monti, P.Gasbarri, G.B.Palmerini “Adaptive and Robust Algorithms and Tests for Visual-Based Navigation of a Space Robotic Manipulator”, 62nd International Astronautical Congress, Cape Town, 2011. [later re-published in Acta Astronautica, paper]
  • M.Sabatini, R.Monti, P.Gasbarri, G.B.Palmerini “Deployable Space Manipulator Commanded by means of Visual-Based Guidance and Navigation”, 62nd International Astronautical Congress, Cape Town. [later re-published in Acta Astronautica, paper]
  • G.Laneve, G.Santilli, P.Marzialetti,  “A Novel Sinergy Between Remote Sensing and GIS for Oil Spill Detection on Satellite Imagery”, ISRSE 2011, Sidney. [paper]
  • G.Laneve, G.Santilli, “Comparing Neural Networks, Invariant Moments and Mathematical Morphology Performances for the Automatic Object Recognition”, ISRSE 2011, Sidney. [paper]
  • G.Laneve, M.Jahjah, F.Ferrucci, F.Battazza, “The Development of a Fire Vulnerability Index for the Mediterranean Region”, IGARSS 2011 Proceedings. pp. 4146 – 4149. [paper]
  • G.Laneve, M.Jahjah, F.Ferrucci, F.Battazza, “Evaluation of the SIGRI fire monitoring system based on MSG/SEVIRI images”, EGU 2011. [poster]
  • G.Laneve, M.Jahjah, F.Ferrucci, B.Hirn, F.Battazza, R.De Bonis, “SIGRI: a national project for forest fire management”, Int. Conf. on Fire Behaviour and Risk Modelling, Alghero. [abstract]
  • A. Nascetti, P. Valerio “Design of pixel electronics based on asynchronous self-reset approach with floating-point output representation for high dynamic range imagers” Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 6(1). [paper]
  • A. Nascetti, M. Truglio, P. Valerio, D. Caputo, G. Decesare “High dynamic range current-to-digital readout electronics for lab-on-chip applications” Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces, IWASI 2011, pp. 77-81. [paper]
  • D. Caputo, G. De Cesare, M. Nardini, A. Nascetti, R. Scipinotti “Modeling of the photo-response of a smart thin layer chromatography system” Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces, IWASI 2011, pp. 208-211. [paper]
  • A. Nascetti P. Valerio “Use of fractional packet counting for high dynamic range imaging applications” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 648(SUPPL. 1), pp. S146-S149. [paper]
  • M. Macellari, L. Schirone , "Bidirectional Converter for Single-Cell Li-Ion Batteries in a Moon Rover", Proceedings of 3rd CEAS (Air&Space Conference 2011), Venice (pp. 1716-1721). [paper]
  • P.Gasbarri, G.B.Palmerini “Analysis and test of a space manipulator modeling approach”, paper 2011-d-29, 28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Okinawa. [paper]
  • G.B.Palmerini “GNSS-based Navigation in Very High Orbits”, paper 2011-d-51, 28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Okinawa. [paper]
  • L.Felicetti, M.Sabatini, G.B.Palmerini “Coordinated Attitude Control for Enhanced Shape Stability of a Space Web”, 62nd International Astronautical Congress, Cape Town. [paper]

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