
Professor Donatella Montini

Donatella Montini (Full Professor in English Language and Translation at Sapienza University of Rome) graduated from Sapienza University of Rome in 1982.  She holds an MA in Modern Philology (1988) and a Ph.D. in English Literature, which was awarded in 1995 by the Universities of Pisa and Florence. She has taught English Language and Translation at the University of Rome Sapienza since 2005.  She teaches History of English, Stylistics, Political Discourse (undergraduate, MA, PhD students).

Chief Editor of Memoria di Shakespeare A Journal of Shakespearean StudiesShe is a member of the editorial board of Fictions. Her research interests and areas of specialization follow three main lines of development: 

-stylistics and narratology (The Language of Fiction, Roma, 2007; La stilistica contemporanea. Teorie, metodi e prospettive, Roma, in corso di stampa);

-Shakespearean and early modern studies (she has edited –with I.Plescia,  Elizabeth I in Writing. Language, Power and Representation in Early Modern England, Palgrave, 2018; I discorsi dei re, Bari 1999; Le lettere di Shakespeare, Roma 1993; she has also published extensively on the Elizabethan linguist, lexicographer and translator John Florio);

-political discourse in a synchronic and diachronic perspective (Visione politica e strategie linguistiche, Rubbettino, 2010).

Professor Andrea Peghinelli

Andrea Peghinelli is Associate Professor of English Literature at Sapienza University of Rome. He has been working on British theatre and has published articles and books on Renaissance drama and Shakespeare (Shakespeare in Burlesque, 2012), Nineteenth century and Contemporary British Theatre (Aspetti della drammaturgia Britannica contemporanea, 2012) of which he has also translated several plays that have been produced.

He has been Visiting Scholar at Royal Holloway University of London. In 2016 he was Area Leader for Italy of the project Performance Shakespeare 2016 supported by the Shakespeare 400 consortium, led by King s College University of London. His present research projects are focused on Shakespearean and Early modern appropriations in Contemporary British Drama, critical and theoretical approaches in British Contemporary Dramaturgy.


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