April 26th - Skin Cancer


Computer Assisted Diagnosis Of Skin Cancer



Uomo vs. Macchina: la dermatologia di fronte alla intelligenza artificiale

Giovanni Pellacani, Dipartimento di Scienze cliniche internistiche, anestesiologiche e cardiovascolari


Le reti neurali convoluzionali per la segmentazione di lesioni cutanee in immagini dermoscopiche
Domenico Bloisi, Università della Basilicata e Daniele Nardi, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, automatica e gestionale “Antonio Ruberti”


The seminar will focus on the application of artificial intelligence algorithms in dermatology for the diagnosis of skin cancer. Besides the need to improve diagnostic accuracy and to increase the offer of dermatological expertise especially for the detection of melanoma, the most related to tumor-death for skin cancer, the use of artificial intelligence and computer vision is still far to be used in dermatology daily practice. Consistent literature and research is today attempting to find the ultimate solution for skin cancer diagnosis, basing the developments on the advent of powerful GPU in the last decade that allows to use deep neural networks architectures for lesion detection and classification. However limitations still persist and may represent the major barrier of spreading. Previous experiences from University of Modena and University La Sapienza will be presented showing the evolution of the approaches and the achieved results, but pointing on the understanding the actual limitations in order to overcome in the future.


lunedì 26 aprile 2021, ore 15.00 - 17.00

Per partecipare occorre collegarsi tramite la piattaforma Zoom


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