May 17th - Psoriasis onset



Personalised computational modelling of psoriasis onset, flare and UVB treatment


Toni Mancini, Dipartimento di Informatica



Paolo Zuliani, School of Computing at Newcastle University, UK


Psoriasis is an immune-mediated skin disease manifesting itself with red, scaly plaques that can appear over the whole body. Psoriasis causes significant impairment to quality of life, and currently has no cure. Despite our increased understanding about how psoriasis develops and can be treated, there are no reliable predictive computational models. We have developed a new differential equation-based model that explicitly describes the interaction between immune cells and keratinocytes. Our model has two steady states representing healthy and psoriatic skin: psoriasis and flaring are caused by a large enough immune stimulus, while clearance is achieved by increased apoptosis induced by UVB phototherapy. A single model parameter - 'UVB sensitivity'- enables fitting with high accuracy patients PASI (Psoriasis Area Severity Index) trajectories recorded during phototherapy. Finally, we show how our model supports personalised therapy outcome prediction via individual UVB regimes that include different delivery patterns (i.e., 3x weekly vs. 5x weekly).


lunedì 17 maggio 2021, ore 15.00 - 17.00


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