Il LabSIL è lieto di annunciare il terzo incontro del ciclo di seminari «La Babele dei Golem», dal titolo AI and Enabling Technologies for Social Robots
Il seminario del 3 dicembre 2024, a cura della Prof.ssa Silvia Rossi (Università di Napoli, Federico II), si svolgerà presso il Centro interdipartimentale Urban/Eco dell'Università di Napoli «Federico II» (Via Tarsia, 31).
In allegato la locandina dell'incontro.
AI and Enabling Technologies for Social Robots
Some applications of robots within domestic and working environments are expected to become a significant part of our lives in the not-too-distant future. In the last decade, the service robotics community has focused on developing skills and capabilities to enable robots to autonomously perform tasks on behalf of users and simulate human-like intelligence in machines. Nowadays, robots can plan, navigate, manipulate objects, and reason about the properties of their environment. In this talk, I will discuss how AI is contributing to the development of such effective robots. I’ll particularly focus on socially assistive robots (SAR), which are designed to interact with people naturally and personally through verbal, non-verbal, or affective modalities, with the main purpose of improving the standard of living in modern society through social interactions. I will discuss open challenges related to the adoption of such technology in real-home environments, such as the possibility of obtaining continuous situational awareness from ambient devices, the cost-effectiveness of the proposed solutions, the flexibility in personalization of robot plans and actions, as well as their acceptance in everyday life. The possible trade-offs between the robot’s performance in accomplishing its goals and consideration of the social environment, in terms of human safety, acceptability, legibility, transparency, and trust, will play a central role in the mature development of service and personal robots and favor a significant social impact.
Silvia Rossi is a full professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, University of Naples Federico II, where she is the scientific director of the PRISCA Lab (Projects of Intelligent Robotics and Advanced Cognitive Systems – She received the M.Sc. degree in Physics from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, in 2001, and the Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Trento, Italy, in 2006. She is an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Social Robotics. Prof. Rossi has been involved in several EU and non-EU projects. She is currently the principal investigator and coordinator of the MSCA-ITN-2020 PERSEO (European Training Network on Personalized Robotics as Service Oriented applications) and HORIZON-MSCA-DN project SWEET (Social aWarenEss for sErvice robotics), and Coordinator of the national PRIN project ADVISOR (ADaptiVe legIble robotS for trustwORthy health coaching). She was the general chair of RO-MAN 2020 and RO-MAN 2022 and she is in the program committee of several international conferences on human–robot interaction and artificial intelligence. Her research interests include Socially Assistive Robotics, Human-Robot Interaction, Cognitive Architectures, and User Profiling and Recommender Systems. Her main research activities aim at the investigation of computational approaches for autonomous agents’ behaviors able to interact and support people by extracting meaningful information to model the user and to adapt the agent behavior. She published more than 200 papers in international journals, books, and conferences.