
delegate for Communication: Rosalba Belibani


DiAP's book series

book series of the Department of Architecture and Design
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DiAP’s publications include several book series, PRINT/PROGETTIPRINT/TEORIE and PRINT/DOTTORATO  with a shared programme, as well as titles by authors within DiAP. The styling is edited by the publishing house, while other editorial choices are entrusted to the DiAP’s Communication Group, which gathers and organizes the proposed publications. These are then evaluated by a Scientific Committee, a panel composed of researchers and external experts, which guarantees prestige and impartiality.



A&A Architettura e Ambiente DiAP magazine directed by Roberto Cherubini
U+D urbanform and design International journal on urban morphology and design (LPA-DiAP)



Individual publications
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For the publications within the PhD, please refer to the relevant pages on the specific sites:

PhD Architecture and Construction

PhD Architecture - Theories and Project

PhD Landscape and Environment



© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma