International Seminar on panoramic photography and real-time visualization

International Seminar on panoramic photography and real-time visualization


PHD COURSE in History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture | Sapienza University of Rome


International Seminar on panoramic photography and real-time visualization

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Pedro M. Cabezos Bernal and Daniel Martin | Dpto. Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica Universitat Politècnica de València

organizers| Leonardo Baglioni, Elena Ippoliti



h: 9,00-11,00 | Aula Magna Piazza Borghese 9

Pedro M. Cabezos Bernal and Daniel Martin

Introduction to immersive panoramic photography and real-time visualization with Twinmotion


h: 11,30-13,00 | Aula Dottorato

Workshop with Pedro M. Cabezos Bernal

Panoramic Photography


h: 14,00 - 15,30 | Aula Dottorato

Workshop with Pedro M. Cabezos Bernal

Gigapixel Photography


h: 15,30 - 18,30 | Aula Dottorato

Workshop with Daniel Martin

Twinmotion for the representation of cultural heritage. Images, videos, and interactivity



The workshop sessions will have limited capacity. To participate, it is necessary to fill out the form:

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma