Frequently asked questions


On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions. This page is updated on an ongoing basis.


How do you apply for extracurricular exams (ex. art. 6 of R.D. 1269/38)?
The procedure is detailed in the Manifesto degli Studi and in this link

How can I apply for a transfer to another university?
The procedure is detailed in art. 43 of the Study Manifesto and in this link

How do I apply for a transfer from another university?
Article 44 of the Study Manifesto states that students coming from other Italian universities, military academies, or other military institutions of higher education may request a transfer to a Sapienza degree programme of the current academic system (D.M. 270/04) . The procedure for submitting an application is detailed in this link

How long does it take for exams taken for another degree programme to be validated on Infostud?
The process takes about two months, so a student enrolled in October will have to wait until mid-December before the exams are available on Infostud.

Are vaccinations mandatory? When should they be received?
Students enrolling in degree programmes in the field of medicine or the health professions are required to have certain vaccinations, as stated in the call for admission to the degree programme. Further information is available at this link

How many university tuition payments are there?
There are three installments, which may also be made as a single payment. Deadlines are posted on the official Sapienza website. A few days before the deadline a reminder is also sent to the student’s institutional email address.

When do lessons start?
The start date of lessons is announced on the official site of the degree programme, nella sezione “Frequentare”. in the ‘attendance’ section. In this section, the lesson schedule, the programmes, and the exam textbooks can be consulted through the icons that appear next to the name of the teacher.

Textbooks are also recommended by teachers during the lessons.

What percentage of attendance must be achieved in each course in order to meet the mandatory course attendance requirements?
For the Degree Programmes in Medicine and Surgery, students must attend 67% of each course. For the Degree Programmes in the Health Professions, students must attend 66% of each course.

When can special exam dates be scheduled?
Special exam dates may be scheduled at the discretion of the teacher, and may only be scheduled during periods of interruption from teaching activity during the Christmas and Easter holidays. For ‘out-of-course’ students who have fulfilled their attendance obligations, special exam dates are subject to the teacher's availability and do not necessarily have to be scheduled during periods of teaching interruption.

Is it mandatory to take the Progress Test? Does a mark with honours on the Progress Test count as an honours point when calculating the final G.P.A?
The Progress Test is not mandatory. A mark with honours on the Progress Test contributes to determining the final GPA only if the mark achieved is above the Faculty average.

What are the requirements for the Excellence Path?
The requirements are established each year in the call for admissions (see the call for admissions a.y 2018/2019)

Is the final G.P.A. calculated on the basis of the arithmetic or weighted average?
The final G.P.A. is calculated based on the arithmetic average.



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