Excellence path

The Excellence Programme aims to enhance the training of worthy students enrolled in a study programme and interested in activities concerning study and cultural integration. The Excellence Programme takes place in additional training activities and issues a final certificate. At the end of the course students attending the Excellence Programme have a premium equal to the amount of the fees paid in the last year of study.

The Notice (in Italian and English) is available on the page:


An open call for the admission to the Excellence path (Percorso d'eccellenza) for the Master's programme in Transport Systems Engineering.

Admission requirements: Students enrolled in the A.Y. 2022-2023 for the first time in the first year who, by October 30th, 2023 have acquired all the credits required at the first year with a GPA of no less than 27/30

How to apply: Within the deadline indicated below, the student must submit the application for the comparative evaluation by using the procedure provided on http://didsap.ing.uniroma1.it/ in the section “Sezione Bandi Didattica”. Students who want to apply must have registered a personal Sapienza university e-mail account and select the Degree course. To apply on the didsap platform, select “Tutor”. The student must fill in attachment A of this Call and, together with the list of the registered exams downloadable form InfoStud, upload them in a single pdf file of maximum 4 Mb.

Deadline: 19-01-2024

Available positions: 4

The Honour Programme includes, for admitted students, alternative or integrative activities: a) Theoretical and methodological activities, such as participation to courses indicated by the Area Council, seminars proposed and/or organised by members of the Area Council, external educational initiatives; b) Applicative activities concerning topics of theoretical and methodological activities. The activities of the student in the Honour Programme are subject to test. To each admitted student, it will be assigned a tutor teacher will be assigned to each admitted student, who will follow its development and will cooperate with her/him in the organization of the activities.

Final requirements : In order to complete the Honour Programme, the student must have carried out the planned activities and have acquired, by the legal duration of the course of study, all the planned 120 ETCS and have obtained a GPA of no less than 27/30.

Open Call Winners: a ranking list of participants will be announced on the Faculty Website (https://www.ing.uniroma1.it/percorso-di-eccellenza), the Trasparenza portal (https://web.uniroma1.it/trasparenza/) and on the Master's Degree in Transport Systems Engineering website (https://web.uniroma1.it/cdaingtrasporti/)

Evaluation of titles and ranking: Rankings will be published on the Trasparenza website https://web.uniroma1.it/trasparenza/ and on the Faculty website https://www.ing.uniroma1.it/percorso-di-eccellenza on January 19th, 2024.

Find below the link for the open call with detailed description (in English).

Excellence path