Industrial and Environmental Technical Physics

Industrial and Environmental Technical Physics

The main topics which the educational address "Industrial and Environmental Technical Physics" deals with, will allow the student to acquire advanced research skills in the fields of applied thermodynamics, theoretical and computational thermofluidic-dynamics, heat transfer, energetics, the rational use of energy, the use of renewable energy sources, environmental physics, applied acoustics and lighting engineering. Examples related to these topics are: the analysis of energy and technological innovation scenarios; the energy transformation thermodynamic analysis; the design of trigeneration systems; the design of thermal components and devices; the design and optimization of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems; the design and optimization of fluid distribution systems; the study of the thermofluidic-dynamic behavior of traditional and innovative equipment and systems; the study of new methods for the enhancement of heat transfer; the building physics; the energetic requalification of the built environment; the building envelope design techniques; the bioclimatic design strategies; the energy and environmental planning; the analysis of how the socio-economic and natural systems interact when sustainable development strategies are applied; the acoustic and lighting design of indoor and outdoor spaces; the comfort management in extreme environments; the study, design and realization of smart cities; the conservation and valorization of the cultural heritage; the evaluation of the environmental impacts; the use of aerial systems (aircrafts, helicopters, balloons, spacecrafts) applied to the environment study and analysis; the measurement of thermal, fluid-dynamic and environmental quantities; the physical and mathematical modeling of processes, systems, equipment and buildings.


The main objective of the educational address "Industrial and Environmental Technical Physics" is to form highly skilled personnel, capable to perform highly qualified research activities and to manage the technological innovation so as to improve the energy efficiency of systems and components, both traditional and innovative, employed in the production, distribution and final use of energy for heating and cooling applications, as well as to develop sustainable development models and new methods, devices and technologies aimed at the control of the natural and artificial environments. Such a professional profile will then be able: to perform and coordinate the advanced design of innovative systems and components; to coordinate research programs supported by the international, European and national communities; to coordinate programs developed in the fields of energy and environment by companies and public administrations; to coordinate the execution of environmental impact evaluations, and the development of plans for the environment protection and valorization; to apply advanced aerospace technologies to the environmental monitoring and control; to collaborate to the development and promotion of sustainable development policies. A strong interconnection between scientific research and production world will be achieved thanks to several conventions of collaborations signed with internationally-recognized public and private institutions, where PhD students are encouraged to spend study and/or research periods.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma