Nuclear Engineering


Nuclear Engineering

The main topics in the "Nuclear Engineering" program will enable PhD students to develop advanced research skills on design, technology, construction and managementof high risk plants and, in particular, of the fission and fusion nuclear plants, as well as other applications of the nuclear technologies, for example in the biomedical field, mainly addressing aspects on thermal engineering, thermal-hydraulics, thermo-fluid-dynamics, energymanagement, safety and environmental impact. In particular, studies and researches include: innovative nuclear systems; systems for the management and conversion of radioactive waste; problems relating to the disposal of nuclear installations and laboratories; measurements and instrumentation for nuclear installations; radioisotope applications in industry and medicine; detection of environmental radioactivity; safety and radiation protection; modelling and design of components and systems in the energy, industrial and biomedical fields; mathematical and numerical techniques for the simulation of systems involving the use of particles; radiation and plasma technology; environmental protection and safety of high-risk installations.


The learning objective of the "Nuclear Engineering" program aims to deepen the skills for calculation, design and operation of plants producing energy from nuclear fission and fusion, addressing in depth safety issues and the environmental impact, the risk analysis, and the reliability of the plants and of the fuel cycle. The preparation will allow to train a professional with high research capability to make use and develop models and methods for the description of the advanced physical and innovative engineering issues that are typical of nuclear applications, complex energy system, industrial and biomedical applications.The PhD student will acquire the skills to coordinate and manage research programs in companies involved in the design and manufacture of components and systems for energy plants, in the construction or disposal and decommissioning of nuclear and conventional laboratories; in institutions and energy companies in nuclear and conventional energy production; in research organizations in the energy sector, both in Italy and abroad; in design studies and risk analysis of complex energy systems, outside the nuclear fieldalso. A strong interconnection between scientific research and production world will be achieved thanks to several conventions of collaborations signed with internationally-recognized public and private institutions, where PhD students are encouraged to spend study and/or research periods.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma