Renato Masiani

Professore Ordinario
Scienza delle Costruzioni ICAR/08
Informazioni generali
+39 06 4458 9178
+39 063221449
Curriculum breve

Graduated in Civil Engineering in 1979. University Researcher since 1984.
Full Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics since 2003, Faculty of Architecture Sapienza  University of Rome.
His many positions include Head of the Department of Structural Engineering and Geotechnics and Deputy Rector for Infrastructure at Sapienza.

He has been Dean of the Faculty of Architecture since 2009.

Main themes of research, documented by more than eighty scientific publications, are:
- Study of the seismic behavior of buildings in masonry and in masonry-r.c.
- Continuous models of heterogeneous linear and non linear materials: masonry, composite.
- Dynamics of systems with nonelastic constitutive behaviour, and in particular of hysteretic systems.
- Non linear dynamic behavior of slender impact elements.
- Dynamic simplified models for masonry buildings.
- Characterization of seismic input.


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