

ECoNA currently offers the following doctoral courses and further education:


Ph.D. course in “Psychology and Cognitive Science”

ECoNA contributes to the teaching and research activity linked to the Ph.D. course in "Psychology and Cognitive Science", with teaching committee from the Faculty of Psychology, Sciences, and Engineering. The doctorate was activated in 1996 as Ph.D. in "Cognitive Psychology" in the field of contemporary research on cognitive elaboration systems, trying to highlight the problematic issues that characterize it. On 2006, after the merging with the Ph.D. in "Psychology" it has been transformed into Ph.D. in "Psychology and Cognitive Science".

In particular, the new approach introduced in cognitive psychology by means of connectionist models based on neural networks had the merit of highlighting the fundamental problem that must be solved for studying cognitive systems, which is to identify and characterize their functional and neural architecture. Providing explanations and models of these functionality allows to deepen the study of cognitive abilities not yet satisfactorily addressed by connectionist methods.

The doctorate is structured in order to allow the students to extensively train their research ability on these issues.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma