Beginning in the 1960s, contemporary Experimental Psychopathology (EP) is primarily devoted to laboratory research on the cognitive, affective, and motivational bases of mental disease by using behavioural, as well as psychophysiological and neurobiological paradigms. Therefore, EP aims at understanding what causes and maintains psychological distress by integrating knowledge and research methods from different domains. Guided by the assumption that mental diseases can be explained by the same processes that regulate normal behaviours, such a discipline aims to be a bridge between basic and applied research, providing useful knowledge to make clinical assessments and treatments more effective and scientifically-based.
The Workshop is the second international meeting completely focused on Experimental Psychopathology, and it differs from larger congresses in so far as there is a relatively small number of speakers without concurrent talks. In addition to the individual talks, there will be poster sessions for students, post-docs and young researchers to present their work.
The ultimate goal of the Workshop is to promote the scientific debate on EP, and the development of international networks among clinical and basic researchers.
The Workshop will run from March 20th to 21st 2015.
Invited speakers
Marcel van den Hout (University of Utrecht, Netherlands); lecture title to be defined.
Nira Liberman (Tel Aviv University, Israel); lecture title to be defined.
Richard J. McNally (Harvard University, USA); lecture title to be defined.
Organizing Committee
Carlo Buonanno (Scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitiva, Rome, Italy)
Alessandro Couyoumdjian (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Andrea Gragnani (Scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitiva, Rome, Italy)
Francesco Mancini (Scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitiva, Rome, Italy)
Cristina Ottaviani (Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy)
Katia Tenore (Scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitiva, Rome, Italy)
Roberta Trincas (Scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitiva, Rome, Italy)