

  • Menicocci, S., Lupo, V., Ferrara, S., Giorgi, A., Serra, E., Babiloni, F., & Borghini, G. (2024). Fake-News Attitude Evaluation in Terms of Visual Attention and Personality Traits: A Preliminary Study for Mitigating the Cognitive Warfare. Behavioral Sciences, 14(11), 1026.
  • Caratù, M., Cherubino, P., Menicocci, S., & Martinez-Levy, A. C. (2024). Does sustainable communication have an impact on international social media audiences? A neuromarketing explorative study between Finland and Italy. Italian Journal of Marketing, 2024(1), 21-54
  • Mancini, M.; Cherubino, P.; Martinez, A.; Vozzi, A.; Menicocci, S.; Ferrara, S.; Giorgi, A.; Aricò, P.; Trettel, A.; Babiloni, F. (2023). What Is behind In-Stream Advertising on YouTube? A Remote Neuromarketing Study employing Eye-Tracking and Facial Coding techniques. Brain Sci. 13, 1481.
  • Vozzi, A., Levy, A., Ronca, V., Giorgi, A., Ferrara, S., Mancini, M., Capotorto, R., Cherubino, P., Trettel, A., Babiloni, F., Di Flumeri, G. (2023). Time-Dependent Analysis of Human Neurophysiological Activities during an Ecological Olfactory Experience. Brain Sciences. 13. 1242. 10.3390/brainsci13091242
  • Caratù, M., Sorrentino, A., Mancini, M., & Cherubino, P. (2023). Monitoring consumer responses to online advertising via neuro-marketing techniques: an exploratory study. European journal of volunteering and community-based projects, 1(1), 1-38.
  • Caratu, M., & Cherubino, P. (2023). Neuromarketing, Società e Tutela del Consumatore. COLLANA DI STUDI DI MANAGEMENT ECONOMIA E DIRITTO DELLE IMPRESE, 1-148
  • Mancini, M.; Cherubino, P.; Cartocci, G.; Martinez, A.; Di Flumeri, G.; Petruzzellis, L.; Cimini, M.; Aricò, P.; Trettel, A.; Babiloni, F. Esports and Visual Attention: Evaluating In-Game Advertising through Eye-Tracking during the Game Viewing Experience. Brain Sci. 2022, 12, 1345
  • Mancini M., Cherubino P., di Flumeri G., Cartocci G., Martinez A., Sanchez A., Santillo C., Modica E., Alessia Vozzi A., Ronca V., Trettel A., Borghini G., Babiloni F. (2022). Neuroscientific Methods for Exploring User Perceptions While Dealing With Mobile Advertising: A Novel and Integrated Approach. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics. Vol.3, ISSN:2673-6195, doi:10.3389/fnrgo.2022.835648
  • Babiloni F., Cherubino P. (2022) Consumer Neuroscience: A Neural Engineering Approach. In: Thakor N.V. (eds) Handbook of Neuroengineering. Springer, Singapore.
  • Martinez-Levy, A. C., Rossi, D., Cartocci, G., Mancini, M., Di Flumeri, G., Trettel, A., ... & Cherubino, P. (2022). Message framing, non-conscious perception and effectiveness in non-profit advertising. Contribution by neuromarketing research. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 1-23
  • Ana  Martinez-Levy, Patrizia Cherubino, Dario Rossi, María-Trinidad Herrero Ezquerro, Arianna Trettel, Fabio Babiloni, Advances in Neuroscience and Its Application in Economics and Marketing Research, in "Micro & Macro Marketing, Rivista quadrimestrale" 3/2021, pp. 521-546, doi: 10.1431/102504
  • Martinez-Levy, A. C., Moneta, E., Rossi, D., Trettel, A., Peparaio, M., Saggia Civitelli, E., ... & Sinesio, F. (2021). Taste Responses to Chocolate Pudding with Different Sucrose Concentrations through Physiological and Explicit Self-Reported Measures. Foods, 10(7), 1527
  • Vozzi, Alessia; Ronca, Vincenzo; Aricò, Pietro; Borghini, Gianluca; Sciaraffa, Nicolina; Cherubino, Patrizia; Trettel, Arianna; Babiloni, Fabio; Di Flumeri, Gianluca.The Sample Size Matters: To What Extent the Participant Reduction Affects the Outcomes of a Neuroscientific Research. A Case-Study in Neuromarketing Field - Sensors 2021, 21(18), 6088;
  • Mancini, M.; Cherubino, P.; Cartocci, G.; Martinez, A.; Borghini, G.; Guastamacchia, E.; di Flumeri, G.; Rossi, D.; Modica, E.; Menicocci, S.; Lupo, V.; Trettel, A.; Babiloni, F. Forefront Users’ Experience Evaluation by Employing Together Virtual Reality and Electroencephalography: A Case Study on Cognitive Effects of Scents. Brain Sci. 2021, 11, 256. 
  • Rumen Pozharliev, Patrizia Cherubino (2020). La mente del consumatore. Guida applicata al neuromarketing e alla consumer neuroscience. LuissUniversityPress.ISBN:978-88-6105-470-7
  • Cartocci G., Modica E., Rossi D., Inguscio B.M.S., Aricò P., Martinez A.C.L., Mancini M., Cherubino P., Babiloni F. (2019). Antismoking Campaigns’ Perception and Gender Differences: A Comparison among EEG Indices. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2019 
  •  Martinez-Levy A, Cartocci G, Modica A, Rossi D, Mancini M, Trettel A,Babiloni F, Cherubino P.Measuring neurophysiological signals, fixations and self-report data for product placement effectiveness assessment in music videos. Contribution to the next book of the series “Business & Economics” (Springer):"Experimental and Quantitative Methods in Contemporary Economics”.
  • Cherubino P, Martinez-Levy,A C. Caratù, M., Cartocci, G., Di Flumeri, G., Modica, E., Rossi,D.,Mancini, M., Trettel, A,The consumer behaviour through the eyes of neurophysiological measures: state-of-art and future trend.Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2019. 
  • Cherubino P, Cartocci G, Modica E, Rossi D, Mancini M, Trettel A, Babiloni F. Wine tasting: how much is the contribution of the olfaction? In Select Issues of Experimental Economics. Springer International Publishing, 2018 
  • Modica, E., Cartocci, G., Rossi, D., Martinez Levy, A. C., Cherubino, P., Maglione, A. G., Di Flumeri, G., Mancini, M., Montanari, M., Perrotta, D., Di Feo, P., Vozzi, A., Ronca, V., Aricò, P., Babiloni, F. (2018). Neurophysiological responses to different product experiences. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2018.  
  • Cartocci G, Cherubino P, Modica E, Rossi D, Trettel A, Babiloni F. Wine tasting: a neurophysiological measure of taste and olfaction interaction in the experience. International Journal of Bioelecromagnetism, Vol.19, No.1, pp 18 - 24, 2017 
  • Cartocci G, Caratù M, Modica E, Maglione AG, Rossi D, Cherubino P, Babiloni F. Electroencephalographic, heart rate and galvanic skin response assessment for the advertising perception study: an application on antismoking psas. Journal of Visual Experiment JoVE in press
  • Di Flumeri G, Caratù M, Modica E, Rossi D, Herrero MT, Trettel A, Cherubino P, Maglione AG, Colosimo A, Mattiacci A, Moneta E, Peparaio M, Babiloni F. Assessing olfactory perception in young persons: a neuroscience perspective. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 67 - 73, 2016
  • Cartocci G, Cherubino P, Rossi D, Modica E, Maglione AG, Di Flumeri G, Babiloni F. Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study. Epub 2016 May 26. Comput Intell.2016;2016:3795325. doi: 10.1155/2016/3795325
  • G. Vecchiato, A.G. Maglione, P. Cherubino, I. Graziani, A. Trettel, M.T.H. Ezquierro and F. Babiloni (2014). Marketing and Neuroscience: how electroencephalographic tools could help to design and analyze commercial advertising campaigns. MICRO & MACRO MARKETING, vol. 2; p. 223-390, ISSN: 1121-4228
  • G. Vecchiato, P. Cherubino, A.G. Maglione, M.T.H. Ezquierro, F. Marinozzi, F.Bini, A. Trettel and F. Babiloni (2014). How to measure cerebral correlates of emotions in marketing relevant tasks. COGNITIVE COMPUTATION, vol. 6; p. 856-871, ISSN: 1866-9956, doi: 10.1007/s12559-014-9304-x
  • G. Vecchiato, A. G. Maglione, CHERUBINO P., B. Wasikowska, A. Wawrzyniak, A. Latuszynska, M. Latuszynska, K. Nermend, I. Graziani, M.R. Leucci, A. Trettel and F. Babiloni (2014). Neurophysiological Tools to Investigate Consumer’s Gender Differences during the Observation of TV Commercials. COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINE, ISSN: 1748-670X
  • G. Vecchiato, L. Astolfi, F. De Vico Fallani, J. Toppi, F. Aloise, A.G. Maglione, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia and F. Babiloni. Understanding Cerebral Activations during the Observation of Marketing Stimuli: A Neuroelectrical Perspective Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 273, 2013, pp 273-281
  • W. Kong, X. Zhao, S. Hu, G. Vecchiato and F. Babiloni. “Electronic evaluation for video commercials by impression index”. Cognitive Neurodynamics. April 2013.
  • G. Vecchiato, P. Cherubino, A.G. Maglione, W. Kong, S. Hu, D. Wei, A. Colosimo and F. Babiloni. “Comparison of cognitive and emotional cerebral variables in Eastern subjects watching TV advertisements: a case study”. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 127 – 132, 2012.
  • G. Vecchiato, J. Toppi, L. Astolfi, F. Cincotti, F. De Vico Fallani, A.G. Maglione, G. Borghini, P. Cherubino, D. Mattia and F. Babiloni. “The added value of the electrical neuroimaging for the evaluation of marketing stimuli”. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences, Vol. 60, No. 3, 2012.
  • F. Babiloni. Consumer nueroscience: a new area of study for biomedical engineers. IEEE Pulse. 2012 May-Jun;3(3):21-3. doi:10.1109/MPUL.2012.2189166. PubMed PMID: 22678835.
  • G. Vecchiato, W. Kong, A. G. Maglione and D. Wei. ‘Understanding the Impact of TV Commercials: Electrical Neuroimaging’. IEEE Pulse, Vol.3(3), Page(s): 42-47. 2012.
  • G. Vecchiato, L. Astolfi, F. De Vico Fallani, J. Toppi, F. Aloise, F. Bez, D. Wei, W. Kong, J. Dai, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia and F. Babiloni, ‘On the Use of EEG or MEG Brain Imaging Tools in Neuromarketing Research’, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2011, Article ID 643489, 12 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/643489.
  • G. Vecchiato, J. Toppi, L. Astolfi, F. De Vico Fallani, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia, F. Bez and F. Babiloni. Spectral EEG frontal asymmetries correlate with the experienced pleasantness of TV commercial advertisements. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2011 May;49(5):579-83. Epub 2011 Feb 16.
  • G. Vecchiato, F. De Vico Fallani, L. Astolfi, J. Toppi, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia, S. Salinari and F. Babiloni. The issue of multiple univariate comparisons in the context of neuroelectric brain mapping: an application in a neuromarketing experiment. J Neurosci Methods. 2010 Aug 30;191(2):283-9.
  • G. Vecchiato, L. Astolfi, F. Cincotti, F. De Vico Fallani, D.M. Sorrentino, D. Mattia, S. Salinari, L. Bianchi, J. Toppi, F. Aloise and F. Babiloni. Patterns of cortical activity during the observation of Public Service Announcements and commercial advertisings. Nonlinear Biomed Phys. 2010 Jun 3;4.
  • G. Vecchiato, L. Astolfi, F. De Vico Fallani, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia, S. Salinari, R. Soranzo and F. Babiloni. Changes in brain activity during the observation of TV commercials by using EEG, GSR and HR measurements. Brain Topogr. 2010, Jun;23(2):165-79.
  • G. Vecchiato, L. Astolfi, A. Tabarrini, S. Salinari, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti, L. Bianchi, D. Sorrentino, F. Aloise, R. Soranzo and F. Babiloni. EEG analysis of the brain activity during the observation of commercial, political, or public service announcements. Comput Intell Neurosci. 2010:985867. Epub 2009 Dec 24. PubMed PMID: 20069055; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2801453.
  • L. Astolfi, G. Vecchiato, F. De Vico Fallani, S. Salinari, F. Cincotti, F. Aloise, D. Mattia, M.G. Marciani, L. Bianchi, R. Soranzo and F. Babiloni. The Track of Brain Activity during the Observation of TV commercials with the High-Resolution EEG Technology. Comput Intell Neurosci. 2009:652078. Epub 2009 Jun 22.
  • L. Astolfi, F. De Vico Fallani, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia, L. Bianchi, M.G. Marciani, D. Salinari, I. Gaudiano, G. Scarano, R. Soranzo and F. Babiloni. Brain activity during the memorization of visual scenes from TV commercials: an application of high resolution EEG and steady state somatosensory evoked potentials technologies. J Physiol Paris. 2009 Nov – 103(6):333-41. Epub 2009 Jul 18.
  • L. Astolfi, F. De Vico Fallani, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia, L. Bianchi, M.G. Marciani, S. Salinari, A. Colosimo, A. Tocci, R. Soranzo and F. Babiloni – Neural Basis for Brain Responses to TV Commercials: a high-resolution EEG study. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2008 Dec;16(6):522-31.
  • F. De Vico Fallani, L. Astolfi, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia, M.G. Marciani, S. Gao, S. Salinari, R. Soranzo, A. Colosimo and F. Babiloni. Structure of the cortical networks during successful memory encoding in TV commercials. Clin. Neurophysiol. 2008 Oct;119(10):2231-7.
  • F. Babiloni, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia, M. Mattiocco, S. Bufalari, F. De Vico Fallani, A. Tocci, L. Bianchi, M.G. Marciani, V. Meroni and L. Astolfi. Neural basis for the brain responses to the marketing messages: an high resolution EEG study. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2006;1:3676-9. PubMed PMID: 17946577