How to enrol

Enrolling in the Master in Law and Sport is easy. Just send an email with the subject "Enrolment for the Master's Degree in Law and Sport 2023" to, attaching:

- the completed and signed application form (according to the model uploaded on this page);

- photocopy of a valid identity document;

- copy of the receipt of payment of the admission fee of € 51.00 (paid after registering with the Infostud system following the instructions in articles 4 and 5 of the Call);

- your curriculum vitae.

For those enrolled in more of one course at the same time, the call for applications requires additional documentation to be completed.

Students with a degree obtained abroad are admitted.

Enrolment is open until 16 January 2023. The enrolment fee is euro 2000.00. Students with disabilities benefit from a 50% reduction on the enrolment cost.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma