The II Level Master in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources (Master EFER) at Sapienza University of Rome has been a benchmark for the training of energy professionals for nearly 20 years. Thanks to the extensive and well-established research and teaching background of the professors and members of the Technical Scientific Committee, as well as the support and know- how of partner companies and stakeholders over the years, the EFER master's degree has trained more than 250 professionals currently working in the energy sector, in industry, in engineering companies, and as entrpreuners.
Starting from the well-established landscape of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency, the didactic program extends to intercept all the reference lines of the energy transition, passing through: the proper management of storage and cyber-security of plants; the implementation of emission reduction processes through fuel substitution, CO2 capture and storage processes; the reduction of fugitive emissions; the generation and use of green fuels with a focus on the interaction between ecosystems and energy sectors.
Specific modules are devoted to know-how in the areas of regulatory-authorization, project and corporate management, safety, and communication.
The Master's program, which lasts one year, includes frontal and laboratory teaching, technical visits, and internships in companies operating in the energy field: a path that, from basic knowledge related to technologies and systems, delves into both design and management issues, to purely communicative and relational topics and experience, learning-on-the-job through curricular company internships, which is fundamental for inserting oneself in the various work contexts. The topics covered are divided into 12 didactic modules, each of which includes the participation of one or more partner companies for classroom teaching as well:


  1. Energy Scenario
  2. Energy Efficiency
  3. Conversion of Renewable Energy Sources for Electric and Thermal Generation
  4. Management of Discontinuous Energy Sources and Advanced Conversion Technologies
  5. Technologies for Energy Transition
  6. Legislation and Regulations; Energy Markets
  7. Technical Visits
  8. The "Smart and Digital Energy": Territory and Energy Security
  9. European Planning and Project Cycle Management
  10. Communication
  11. Project Management
  12. Maintenance and Safety

Registration for the 2023/2024 academic year will be open until January 15, 2024, for a maximum of 35 available seats.


Please note that the lessons will be held in Italian language. All the information about Master EFER, its organization and partners are available in the Italian version of this website. For further information, please contact us.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma