

XI EDITION a.a. 2018-2019 ONGOING


Public space design.  This is the varied and complex topic dealt with within the sphere of the Master’s Degree in Exhibit & Public Design.  It entails teaching activities aimed at developing cultural sensitivity and technical awareness in the field of planning and exhibiting public spaces (both temporary and permanent, both indoor and outdoor) in its participants.   

The Master’s Degree makes its way into that borderland that goes from urban landscape to installations conceived for single events, from retail design to the planning of small temporary structures. 
It is a design environment that is important for the quality of contemporary lifestyles, at the centre of debate concerning urban areas.  It is characterized by strong innovation and experimentation, lacking its own specific discipline yet astraddle architecture, design, art, graphic and multimedia communication. 
Consequently the teaching activities for this Master’s Degree are characterized by the intersection and fusion between different kinds of knowledge, availing itself both of Full Professors from the Architecture Faculty of “La Sapienza” University, professors from other universities and external professionals.    
The background of students from all the past editions was also very heterogeneous:  three-year or five-year graduates in Architecture, Design, Graphics and Communication, Civil Engineering; foreign students or students from all parts of Italy.   A blend of training, experience and know-how proving to be an excellent breeding ground for the development of positive growth synergies between its participants, who work both as individuals and in small groups.  
The course envisages a limited number of participants.  Lessons are given in Italian.  The Master’s Degree includes lectures (ex cathedra classes, exercises, workshops, external visits), internships on the premises of qualified offices or companies working in the sector, individual design study and elaboration, guided activities aimed at the drafting of a Diploma Thesis.
The total number of hours scheduled for classes is equal to 1500, for a total of 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) Credits granted upon passing the final examination.  The courses for this Master’s Degree are articulated in Teaching Modules that are closely linked with one another, each one of which is directed by one professor or more.   

  • History of Staging and the Exhibit
  • Material and Technologies                           
  • Lighting Design                                                         
  • Visual and Multimedia Communication                                                        
  • Interior Design 1 (Areas for Food)                                                   
  • Interior Design 2 (Retail Design)                                                     
  • Exhibit Design 1 (Fair Exhibitions)                                       
  • Exhibit Design 2 (Temporary Structures for Events)             
  • Exhibition                 
  • Urban Public Design (Outdoor Public Space)

 All the informations are available on the Notice of Admission.

follow the link: https://www.uniroma1.it/it/pagina/master