Educational Ordering
Educational ordering
Art. 1 – General information
1 |
Name |
Master in Neurorehabilitation and Musculoskeletal functional re-education |
2 |
Denominazione in Italian |
Master in Neuroriabilitazione e Rieducazione Funzionale muscolo-scheletrica |
3 |
Level |
First |
4 |
Department |
Medical and Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies |
5 |
Facolty |
Pharmacy and Medicine |
6 |
Master's code[1] (solo in caso di rinnovo) |
28342 |
7 |
Subject area |
Medicine |
8 |
Type[2] |
University |
9 |
Institutional facilities, if any 3] |
10 |
Location of teaching activity |
Roma-Clinica Neurologica Sezione II Neuro- Viale dell'Università 30 Roma-Sapienza Università di Roma |
11 |
Duration |
Year |
12 |
Credits |
60 |
Articolo 2 – Teaching information
13 |
Training objectives |
The objective of the Master's program is to develop concrete professionalism in the field of Neurorehabilitation and Functional Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation and to enhance rehabilitative reasoning in accordance with modern neurophysiological, neuropsychological, kinesiological, trauma, biomechanical, and pedagogical cognitions, which are an integral part of the proposed Neurorehabilitation and Manual Therapy and Functional Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Methodologies and techniques. Through teachings and practical exercises carried out exclusively in presence and with the support of a Tutor, the correct use of foreign and proprioceptive stimuli/information, the execution of complex exercises, the use of a set of variable sensory-sensory afferents, in relation to different pathologies, are taught. The objective of the Master's program is to transfer theoretical-practical transversal professional knowledge/skills related to the assessment, design and implementation of preventive motor programs for functional and posttraumatic musculoskeletal recovery. To provide technical skills on ergonomic assessment, in occupational therapy, the design and indication of aids, and the design and implementation of return-to-competition programs in athletics, elements peculiar to the profession in Physiotherapy, Developmental Neuro and Psychomotor Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Occupational Therapy. Translated with (free version) |
Expected learning outcomes |
Neurogenic Diseases, Peripheral Neuropathies, Cranial Nerve Injuries, Head Trauma, Spinal Cord Injuries, Cognitive Functional Alterations, vestibular syndromes) and to orthopedic disorders (dysmorphisms and paramorphisms of the spine, posture and spinal alterations, radicular compressive syndromes, cervicalgia, lumbago, compartmental syndromes, temporomandibular joint dysfunctions and their correlations, algodystrophy, nociceptive pain, problems in the upper district-thoracic spine, cervical spine, upper limb, temporomandibular joint-and the lower district-lumbar spine, pelvis, lower limb). Know how to implement a rehabilitation chronoprogram before and after surgery. Translated with (free version) |
15 |
Scientific fields[4] |
SSD MED/26 MED/27 MED/48 MED/34 MED/33 M-PSI/01 ING-INF/06 SPS/07 MED/01 |
16 |
Minimum number[5] |
12 |
17 |
Maximum number |
50 |
18 |
Eligible listeners[6] |
No |
19 |
Single Courses[7] |
Fare clic o toccare qui per immettere il testo. |
20 |
Compulsory attendance |
21 |
Lenguage |
Italian |
Articolo 3 – Master's funding sources
22 |
Entry fee amount[8] |
23 |
Payment mode |
two equal installments of paypment |
Article 4 – Planned organizational information
24 |
Logistic resources |
Aule/Palestre per Laboratori, Policlinico Universitario Umberto I, Strutture in Convenzione Città Universitaria Sapienza |
25 |
Classroom tutor resources |
n.d. |
26 |
Technical-administrative staff resources |
1 |
27 |
Sapienza tenured teaching resources[9] |
8 |
28 |
Contract teaching resources |
30 |
[1] Inserire il codice di 5 cifre usato in Infostud.
[2]Vedi art. 24 del Regolamento Master.
[3] Indicare i partner convenzionati in sede istitutiva del corso (altra Università, Ente pubblico o altro Dipartimento). Ogni altro partner legato ad accordi temporanei (finanziamenti, collaborazioni, stage, etc) deve essere menzionato nel Piano Formativo.
[4] Consultare elenco in Appendice 1.
[5]Una numerosità minima inferiore a 10 può essere adottata con deliberamotivata del Consiglio di Dipartimento e deve essere giustificata anche con riferimento alla sostenibilità economica del corso; La richiesta di numerosità ridotta deve essere approvata dal Senato Accademico.
[6]Indicare se è ammessa la frequenza di uditori a soggetti non in possesso del titolo (vedi art.18 del Regolamento Master).
[7]Vedi art.17 del Regolamento Master.
[8] Inserire importo a cifre.
[9] Il numero di docenti Sapienza (minimo 5) deve essere pari a quello dei docenti menzionati nel Piano Forma