Master's modules


MODULE I Brain plasticity and motor relearning in neurological disorders

MODULE II Instrumental investigation techniques for the assessment of gait, posture, and balance impairments

MODULE III Kinesiology/Biomechanics in Orthopedics and Traumatology

MODULE IV Musculoskeletal manual therapy methodologies and techniques

MODULE V Methodologies and Techniques of Musculoskeletal Re-education.

MODULE VI Evidence Based Medicine EBM in Neurorehabilitation and Functional Musculoskeletal Re-education

MODULE VII Neurorehabilitation Methodology Progressive Modular Rehabilitation System (Kabat concept) innovative aspects

MODULE VIII Neurorehabilitation Methodology - Bobath concept developmental age Innovative aspects Neurorehabilitation Methodology. Bobath concept - Innovative aspects - Adult age

MODULE IX Neurorehabilitation Methodology Modular Progressive Education EMP (Kabat concept) developmental age

MODULE X Neurocognitive Theory. From Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise ETC to Comparison of Actions CTA Developmental Age Neurocognitive Theory. From ETC Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise to Comparison of Actions CTA adulthood

MODULE XI Techniques of Hydrokinesis Therapy in the neurological patient. Neurorehabilitation Methodology concept Vojta developmental age, innovative aspects

MODULE XII Neuromuscular Taping Techniques

MODULE XIII Re-education Cranial Nerve Injuries with the RMP System (Kabat concept) and Integrations with Functional Re-education Techniques

MODULE XIV Methodologies and Techniques of Neuro-manual Therapy

MODULE XVII Techniques of Neurodynamics and its Integrations

MODULE XVIII New Technologies in Neurorehabilitation and Reeducation Functional Musculoskeletal

MODULE XIX Cognitive/Neurocognitive Rehabilitation.

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