Prof. Mariano Serravo (CV)
Personal information
Name: Mariano Serrao. Address: Department of Medico-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies, Sapienza University of Rome. Date of birth: 4th June, 1969. Occupational field: Neurology, Neurophysiology, Clinical Biomechanics
Current position
Academic position: Associate Professor at the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Polo Pontino, Latina, Italy.
Education and training
Date 1994. Graduation in Medicine and Surgery with honors, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Date 1999. Post-graduate Specialization in Neurology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Dates 2000-2003. PhD Graduation in Neurosciences, Motor Rehabilitation and Behavioural Sciences (XV° cycle), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Dates 2003-2005. Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Total scientific production
Author of about 200 publications in international peer-review journals and 20 publications in national journals. Author of several paragraphs of international and national books, e-books and encyclopedias.
Memberships, Awards and Honors
President of the Italian Society of Medicine of Movement (2007-2015)
Director of the Master in Neurorehabilitation (2015-2016, 2020-now)
Counselor of the Italian Society of Movement Analysis in Clinic (2017-now)
President of the Organizing Committee of the National Congress of the Italian Society of Movement Analysis in Clinic (Rome 2023)
President of the University Course in Orthopaedic Techniques (2014-2018)
Responsible for the Erasmus project for the University Course in Physiotherapy at University of Rome Sapienza (2018-now)
User partner advanced in gait analysis application (released from BTS Engineering)
“Arrigo” Award 2018 (released by the University of Pavia)
Funds and Grants
BRIC project of INAIL (Istituto nazionale Assicurazione Infortuni sul Lavoro)(INAIL plan 2013-2015) (Responsible of Unit). Title of the project: “Uso di sistemi miniaturizzati per la valutazione sul campo del rischio biomeccanico nelle attività di sollevamento di carichi in ambito lavorativo”
PRIN (2015) as Responsible of Unit. Project title: “Probing the modular organization of the neuromuscular control of limb movements: an inter-disciplinary approach (ModuLimb)”
European project Research and Innovation action (NUMBER — 731540) (as end-user). H2020- ICT-25-2016-2017 “Advanced robot capabilities research and take-up”. Project title: AN.DY (Advancing ANticipatory behaviors in DYadic human-robot collaboration.
BRIC-INAIL as Responsible of Unit. Plan INAIL 2016-2018. Project title: "Controllo motorio modulare non amputato in pazienti con l'amputazione dell'arto inferiore: valutazione neuromeccanica della componentistica protesica sul controllo della locomozione”.
BRIC INAIL 2019 (Unit Responsible) Project title: BRISK: a multi-sensor wearable platform to assess Biomechanical Risk when Interacting with collaborative robotS in worK-related scenarios