Educational system

The current four-year educational system of the Specialization School in Neuropsychology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" has been active since the academic year 2019-2020, in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Decree no. 50/2019 dated 21/1/2019. This decree involves the reorganization of educational systems for specialized schools in the psychological field.

Article 1 - Definition

The Specialization School in Neuropsychology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza," hereinafter referred to as the "School," is affiliated with the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology.

Access is granted to graduates of the LM/51 class (Master's Degree in Psychology), graduates of the 58/S class (Specialist Degree in Psychology), and graduates in Psychology from the educational system prior to Ministerial Decree 509/1999.

The School awards the title of Specialist in Neuropsychology and qualifies for the practice of psychotherapy in accordance with Article 5 of Ministerial Decree 50/2019.

The School has a duration of four academic years. To obtain the specialist title, the student must acquire a total of 240 university educational credits (CFU). Each CFU corresponds to 25 hours of work per student.

The administrative headquarters of the School is located at the Department of Psychology, Via dei Marsi, 78 - 00185 - Rome.

Article 2 - School Bodies

The School bodies include the Director, the Board, and the Council.

The Council of the School consists of all the faculty members, including adjunct professors, and is confirmed/renewed at the beginning of the academic year. As a mandatory part of the Council meetings, a student representative for each academic year is elected by the enrolled students in accordance with the University regulations. The representatives serve for one year and are elected at the beginning of the academic year. The Council is typically convened by the Director at least once per academic year. Additional meetings may also be conducted through online platforms.

The Council coordinates the educational activities of the entire curriculum, having overall responsibility for the planning and organization of teaching and the activities of the faculty. In particular, the Council annually decides on the structure of the School's educational offerings in accordance with the current educational system, the composition of the admission examination committee, the end-of-year examination committees for each academic year, and the final specialization examination committee. It proposes and approves the organization of both mandatory and optional teaching activities for individual modules and courses, as well as the related programs focused on specific educational objectives. The Council approves proposals for agreements with public and private entities for the implementation of professional training activities by the specialization students. It also proposes changes to the educational system to be submitted to the decision-making bodies in accordance with the University's educational regulations.

The Director is elected by the Council. Eligible candidates for the position of Director include all Council members who are full or associate professors at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". The Director serves a term of three academic years and can be reelected only once consecutively.

The Director represents the School, convenes and presides over the Council, determines the agenda, and ensures the implementation of adopted resolutions. They oversee the conduct of educational and organizational activities and ensure their smooth operation. The Director annually proposes to the Council the structure of the School's educational offerings, the composition of the admission examination committee, the end-of-year examination committees for each academic year, and the final specialization examination committee. In coordination with the Department of Psychology, the Director coordinates the teaching assignments for individual courses.

The Director is assisted by a Board with organizational and advisory responsibilities. The Board consists of the Director, who chairs it, and no more than four members designated by the Council, upon the Director's proposal, from among the Council members, including a student representative and a full or associate professor from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" serving as Vice-Director. The Board assists the Director by carrying out specific organizational tasks delegated by the Director and/or the Council.

Article 3 - Educational Plan

The educational objectives and study paths are identified through essential educational activities necessary to obtain the degree, divided into homogeneous areas of knowledge and professional skills identified by scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD).

The educational activities and their corresponding credits (CFU) are distributed as follows:

  1. Basic activities: 15 CFU;
  2. Characterizing activities: 190 CFU, divided as follows: a) a core area identified by scientific-disciplinary sectors relevant to the learning of common knowledge in the field of psychological specializations, allocated 30 CFU; b) an area dedicated to specific disciplines of the Neuropsychology specialization, identified by specific scientific-disciplinary sectors related to the professional figure of the Neuropsychology specialization course, allocated 160 CFU;
  3. Related, integrative, and interdisciplinary activities: 15 CFU, including at least the following three areas: a) humanities and social sciences; b) medical knowledge for operating in healthcare contexts; c) healthcare management, statistics, law, and informatics;
  4. Activities aimed at the final examination: 15 CFU, specifically dedicated to the preparation of the specialization thesis;
  5. Other activities aimed at improving linguistic, computer, management, and organizational skills: 5 CFU.

The scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD) in which the educational activities are organized are listed in Annex 1. The School Council deliberates annually regarding the activation of individual courses and modules, as well as the corresponding programs focused on specific educational objectives, in compliance with the provisions of this article and Annex 1.

Each academic year involves acquiring 60 CFU, including frontal teaching activities, professionalizing activities (including practical activities and internships), as well as other educational activities and the thesis.

According to Article 2, paragraph 6 of Ministerial Decree 50/2019, 70% of the total CFU for the entire training program, equivalent to 168 CFU, is allocated to professionalizing activities. Among these, in accordance with Article 2, paragraph 11 of Ministerial Decree 50/2019:

  1. 144 CFU are allocated to professionalizing activities aimed at developing specific professional skills through practical activities and internships, accounting for three-fifths of the entire course;
  2. 60 CFU are allocated to psychotherapy training, which includes periodic training sessions, personal psychotherapies conducted by the students, and supervision of the therapies by qualified psychotherapists.

The fraction of the total study workload dedicated to individual study is 25%.

The specialization student can apply for the diploma after completing the professionalizing activities. Within the training program, the student must acquire the scientific foundations of Neuropsychology to achieve full professional maturity and competence, including the ability to interpret scientific innovations and possess critical knowledge that allows for conscious management of both care and professional development. This may involve participation in meetings, conferences, collaboration in controlled clinical research projects, and the production of scientific publications, as well as periods of study at qualified Italian and foreign institutions relevant to their training.

Article 4 - Learning Profile

The Neuropsychology specialist must have acquired theoretical, scientific, and professional knowledge in the field of cognitive and emotional-motivational disorders associated with injuries or dysfunctions of the nervous system in various stages of life (development, adulthood, and old age), with particular emphasis on behavioral diagnostics through psychometric testing, neuropsychological, cognitive, and behavioral habilitation and rehabilitation, monitoring the temporal evolution of these deficits, and interdisciplinary sub-specialist aspects such as forensic psychology.

Specifically, they should possess the knowledge and experience necessary to carry out and coordinate the following activities:

  1. Identifying cognitive and emotional-motivational deficits caused by brain injuries or dysfunctions (language deficits, aphasia, reading and writing disorders; visual and spatial perception deficits, agnosia, unilateral spatial neglect; memory deficits, amnesia; attention deficits, deficits in motor planning and execution, deficits in complex action; deficits in self-awareness, executive functions, emotion and behavior regulation; deficits in social cognition);
  2. Assessing the aforementioned deficits using qualitative and quantitative methods specific to neuropsychology;
  3. Analyzing quantitative assessment results using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, including the use of computer technology;
  4. Organizing rehabilitation and habilitation programs for cognitive and emotional-motivational deficits and implementing interventions aimed at promoting functional compensation through the use of remaining abilities;
  5. Promoting, implementing, and evaluating neuropsychological, psychotherapeutic, and community interventions aimed at promoting the recovery of psychological, physical, and socio-emotional well-being;
  6. Demonstrating the acquisition of skills and methods for transdisciplinary and interprofessional work (teamwork) centered on the patient and focused on problem-solving and the inclusion or reintegration of individuals with neuropsychological disorders into family and socio-occupational settings, with the aim of promoting active participation and functional autonomy.
Article 5 - Integrated Educational Objectives (Core Area)

The Neuropsychology specialist must have acquired satisfactory theoretical knowledge and professional skills in the psychological assessment and intervention of counseling, habilitation, rehabilitation, and psychotherapy regarding the most common issues shared by all specializations in the psychological field.

In particular, the university educational credits (CFU) allocated to professionalizing experiences in the core area include:

  1. General theoretical knowledge and basic experiences of the main assessment and counseling techniques for the prevention, rehabilitation, habilitation, and treatment of psychological and behavioral issues throughout the lifespan;
  2. General theoretical knowledge and clinical experiences in psychometric and observational assessment methods for the evaluation of issues and diagnosis of neuropsychological, psychological, and behavioral disorders throughout the lifespan;
  3. General theoretical knowledge of the fundamental etiopathogenic mechanisms of central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and autonomic nervous system disorders, personality disorders, and specific forms of psychological distress in different stages of the lifespan;
  4. General theoretical knowledge and basic experiences related to neurological, psychiatric, neurodevelopmental, and psychomotor disorders, including the behavioral and psychological complications of internal and metabolic diseases and organ pathologies throughout the lifespan, with particular emphasis on their psychological impact on the family and social contexts;
  5. General theoretical knowledge and basic experiences related to cultural, social, and regulatory factors, as well as relevant organizational contexts, for professional action on issues relevant to the specific specialization in social and healthcare settings.
Article 6 - Educational Objectives of the School of Neuropsychology


The general educational objectives of the Specialization School in Neuropsychology are as follows:

  1. knowledge of the fundamentals of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, with particular reference to the neural basis of cognitive and emotional-motivational processes and their development;
  2. knowledge of the genetic and neurophysiopathological bases of cognitive and emotional-motivational neuropsychological deficits;
  3. knowledge of elements of neuropsychopharmacology;
  4. knowledge of electrophysiology and neuroimaging techniques in their applications in neuropsychology;
  5. knowledge of psychometric methods and the use of computerized systems in neuropsychological diagnosis and rehabilitation;
  6. knowledge of the epidemiology of neuropsychological disorders;
  7. knowledge of the organization and legislation of social and healthcare services;
  8. knowledge of the history of neuropsychology, including its psychological, neurological, and neurophysiological aspects.

The specific educational objectives of the Specialization School in Neuropsychology are as follows:

  1. knowledge of the pathological cognitive and emotional-motivational mechanisms and their neurophysiopathological bases that determine, in different stages of life, disorders of language, visuospatial abilities, attention, motor planning, memory, and the planning of behavior in its cognitive and emotional-motivational aspects;
  2. knowledge of the neuropsychological aspects of psychiatric syndromes and non-primarily neurological disorders;
  3. knowledge of neuroplasticity phenomena in relation to the functional recovery of cognitive and emotional-motivational deficits;
  4. acquisition of skills and methods for transdisciplinary and interprofessional work (teamwork) centered on the patient and aimed at addressing neuropsychological issues and promoting functional recovery through the restoration, compensation, or development of deficient cognitive, behavioral, and affective-emotional skills, with the goal of facilitating the individual's reintegration into their environment and promoting functional autonomy and participatory capacity.
Article 7 - Mandatory Professional Activities

The mandatory professional activities for the achievement of the educational objectives of the School of Neuropsychology include the execution, personally conducted under the supervision of experts, of the following:

  1. At least 100 neuropsychological diagnostic evaluations (equivalent to at least 500 hours), including:

    a) 15 evaluations in individuals with language and motor programming disorders;
    b) 15 evaluations in individuals with visuospatial disorders;
    c) 15 evaluations in individuals with memory and behavioral programming disorders;
    d) 15 evaluations in patients with GCA (Global Cognitive Assessment);
    e) approximately 15 evaluations in patients with neurodegenerative disorders;
    f) 25 evaluations in individuals with cognitive and emotional-behavioral disorders in developmental age.

  2. Psychodiagnostic assessments and therapeutic planning in at least 20 patients (equivalent to at least 120 hours).
  3. Taking charge of the neuropsychological rehabilitation of at least 30 individuals (equivalent to at least 500 hours) with acquired or developmental neuropsychological disorders, discussing the diagnostic-therapeutic pathway with the clinical staff, and progressively assuming decision-making autonomy.
  4. Functional diagnosis, rehabilitative treatment, and evaluation of treatment effectiveness in at least 15 patients with acquired or developmental neuropsychological disorders, including:

    a) At least 3 patients with language and motor programming disorders;
    b) At least 3 patients with visuospatial processing disorders;
    c) At least 3 patients with deficits in memory, attention, executive functions, or social cognition, and/or emotional-behavioral deficits.

  5. Taking charge of at least 3 individuals in psychotherapy with supervision (equivalent to at least 300 hours).
  6. Discussion with expert personnel regarding the examination of at least 30 cases with major neuropsychological disorders (equivalent to at least 80 hours).
Article 8 - Admission Examinations

Admission to the School is through a public competition based on qualifications and exams, announced annually by the University of Rome "La Sapienza." The selection criteria for aspiring students are determined annually by the School Council and described in the announcement published by the central offices of the University. The maximum number of available seats, not exceeding 10, is determined annually by the Department of Psychology upon the proposal of the School Council, taking into account the possibility of ensuring that all students can carry out the professional activities provided for in the educational plan.

Since the completion of the activities mentioned in Article 7 requires, according to Article 2 of Law 56/1989, registration with the Psychologists' Register, psychologists who are authorized to practice and are duly registered with the Register can apply for the admission competition. In addition, those who have completed the required post-graduate internship necessary to obtain professional authorization by the date of application can participate in the admission competition under certain conditions and, if admitted, enroll with a reservation. They must obtain authorization in the first available session of the State examination and regularize their registration with the Register within 30 days, failing which they will forfeit their enrollment in the School. However, the student will not be able to engage in the activities specified in Article 7 until they are officially registered with the Psychologists' Register.

Article 9 - Organization of Activities

The School organizes the following activities every year:

  1. Theoretical and methodological courses aimed at providing the specializations with the necessary knowledge for the development of their scientific and professional identity.
  2. Clinical workshops and seminars aimed at promoting professional skills in the context of up-to-date scientific and professional qualification and interdisciplinary dialogue.
  3. Practical activities and internships aimed at complementing and personalizing theoretical and methodological training with hands-on experiences in institutional settings.
  4. Periodic training and clinical supervision meetings, including discussions with expert personnel on the cases treated first-hand.

The schedule of activities is decided annually by the School's Council.

For practical activities and internships, the School collaborates with the healthcare services within the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and its university clinics. Additionally, specific agreements are established with external entities, both public and private, accredited by the National Health System. The participation of the specialization trainee in professionalizing activities at external affiliated institutions is authorized by the Director based on an individual training project co-signed by a supervisor identified by the hosting organization.

The professionalizing activities in the field of neuropsychology are supervised by specialist psychologists in Neuropsychology or psychologists with expertise in Neuropsychology, who have been registered in the Professional Register for at least 3 years. Alternatively, the supervision of neuropsychological rehabilitation activities can be carried out by qualified specialists in Neurology and/or Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with proven experience in the field of neuropsychological rehabilitation. The supervision of activities in the psychotherapeutic field is entrusted to qualified psychologists or medically trained professionals authorized to practice psychotherapy.

Article 10 - Evaluation of the training path

The assessment of learning quality is entrusted to the evaluations carried out by individual teachers at the end of courses, the final evaluation at the end of each year, and the specialty examination.

The evaluation at the end of each year covers all attended courses, internship activities, and other completed training activities. The assessment of acquired knowledge and skills will be conducted through individual assignments and the presentation and discussion of clinical cases and problems. To enroll in the following year, the trainee must have attended at least 70% of the classes, laboratories, seminars, and training and clinical supervision sessions, and be in compliance with the attendance requirements for professionalizing training activities.

The specialty examination, for which one is admitted after successfully completing the final examination in the fourth year, consists of an oral discussion, in front of a committee, of a written paper (specialization thesis) with an original character, which describes one or more research projects in which the trainee has participated, or a series of critically discussed clinical observations within a reference model. The thesis is prepared under the supervision of an advisor chosen by the trainee from the School's faculty and made available to the examiners at least 15 days before the discussion.

Art. 11 - Transitional provisions

The School ensures the completion of the specialization courses and the issuance of the corresponding degrees according to the educational regulations prior to the Decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research No. 50/2019, for the specializations already enrolled at the time of the adaptation of the university's educational regulations. It guarantees the option for the new curriculum for the specializations enrolled in years preceding the final year of the course. To this end, the School Council will individually restructure their educational path in order to ensure the complete acquisition of the educational objectives provided for in the new curriculum.

For matters not covered by this regulation, reference is made to the Decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research No. 50/2019 dated 21/1/2019, concerning the reorganization of educational regulations for specializations in the psychological field, the university's educational regulations of the University of Rome "La Sapienza," and the regulations of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" regarding specializations schools.

Annex 1 - Articulation of training activities in SSDs
Types of activities Disciplines Scientific areas CFU
Basic training activities General disciplines for the interdisciplinary training of the specialist BIO/09 Physiology
BIO/14 Pharmacology
BIO/16 Human anatomy
BIO/18 Genetics
MED/02 History of medicine 
INF/01 Data processing
M-STO/05 History of science 
M-PSI/01 General psychology 
M-PSI/03 Psychometry
MED/03 Medical genetics
MED/38 Imaging and radiotherapy 
Characterizing activities Core area M-PSI/01 General psychology
M-PSI/02 Psychobiology and physiological psychology
M-PSI/03 Psychometry
M-PSI/04 Developmental and Educational Psychology
M-PSI/05 Social psychology
M-PSI/06 Psychology of work and organizations 
M-PSI/07 Dynamic psychology 
M-PSI/08 Clinical psychology 
MED/25 Psychiatry
MED/26 Neurology 
MED/39 Child neuropsychiatry 
Characterizing activities Specific disciplines of the type of school in Neuropsychology M-PSI/01 General psychology
M-PSI/02 Psychobiology and physiological psychology
M-PSI/04 Developmental and Educational Psychology
M-PSI/08 Clinical psychology
MED/26 Neurology
MED/27 Neurosurgery
MED/37 Neuroradiology
MED/38 Imaging and radiotherapy
MED/39 Child neuropsychiatry
Related, integrative and multidisciplinary activities Humanities and social sciences M-FIL/01 Theoretical philosophy 
M-STO/05 History of science 
SPS/07 General sociology
SPS/09 Sociology of economic processes and work
SPS/12 Legal sociology of deviance and social change
L-LIN/01 Linguistics and Linguistics 
M-FIL/02 Logic and philosophy of science
M-FIL/05 Philosophy and theory of languages
L-LIN/12 Language and translation - English language
M-DEA/01 Demo-ethno-anthropological disciplines 
Related, integrative and multidisciplinary activities Medical knowledge to operate in healthcare contexts MED/01 Medical statistics
MED/03 Medical genetics
MED/04 General pathology
MED/11 Diseases of the cardiovascular system 
MED/13 Endocrinology
MED/25 Psychiatry
MED/26 Neurology
MED/27 Neurosurgery
MED/30 Visual diseases 
MED/33 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
MED/34 Physical medicine and rehabilitation 
MED/36 Imaging and radiotherapy
MED/37 Neuroradiology 
MED/38 General and specialist pediatrics
MED/39 Child neuropsychiatry 
MED/43 Forensic medicine
Related, integrative and multidisciplinary activities Healthcare management, statistics, law and information technology ING-INF/05 Information processing systems 
ING-INF/06 Electronic bioengineering and informatics
IUS/01 Private law 
IUS/09 Institutions governed by public law 
SECS-P/08 Economics and business management
SECS-P/10 Business organisation
SECS-S/01 Statistics 
SECS-S/05 Social statistics 
For the final test     15
Other activities     5
TOTAL     240