- When will lessons start?
Lessons will start on September 25th, 2023.
- How will I attend lessons?
Attendance at the classes is not mandatory although strongly recommended.
Entrance to the class is admitted not later than 15 minutes after the official beginning time. Mobile phone must be switched off during class.
Copying during exams is not permitted: students found copying will be expelled and will be unable to participate to the next exam session.
Anyway be updated linking at
https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/en/corso/2020/30842/home (Bachelor's Degree)
https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/en/corso/2020/30842/home (Master's Programme)
- How are classes organized?
Each class will be organized into lectures, practical exercises, workshops, group work and any other activity that the professor considers useful.
For each class, learning level evaluation will take place through an exam (E) consisting of spoken or written tests on the class programme as set out by the professor and published on the website www.uniroma1.it, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering.
- How can I get my matricula number? In order to get your matricula number you have to register on Infostud at the following link: https://www.studenti.uniroma1.it/phoenixreg/index.html#/
- How can I access the Faculty? In order to access our Faculty it is necessary to fill out a specific form with all the useful information requested. Once you have filled the form, a pdf file with the self-certification will be produced. The self-certification must be shown at the entrance of our Faculty along with an email of confirmation of the booked appointment. Here is the link to fill out the form: https://web.uniroma1.it/sbe/en/news/%E2%80%9Cla-sapienza%E2%80%9D-access...
- Where is the Faculty entrance? The entrance to our Faculty is only possible via staircase B, the one on the left of the main entrance to the building, while the exit will be only possible through the fire escape.
- What is the maximum tolerable delay for class attendance? You will only be allowed to join the class if you arrive within 15 minutes from the beginning (therefore a maximum of 15 minutes delay will be tolerated)
- What do I have to do if I have some problems regarding the documents uploaded on the Universitaly platform? If you have some problems with the procedure of enrollment you have to send an email to the following mail address: accesso.sapienza@uniroma1.it
- Where can I find information about my study course? For all information about the course, the study programme and the timetable, you can visit our website: https://web.uniroma1.it/sbe/en/degree-courses
TOLC cisia:
Contact the following e-mail address: sbe.accomodation@gmail.com