Taraglio Sophie

Sophie Taraglio's picture
Corso di Studio: 
Anno di ammissione: 
Progetti di ricerca: 

In progress...

Bachelor Thesis: Structure-activity relationship analysis of Histone Acetyltransferase (HAT) inhibitors (Bioinformatics course)
Tutor SSAS: 
Domenico Raimondo
Esperienze di rilievo nazionali e internazionali: 

Group mentor in the training workshop entitled "MedILS Summer School in Bioinformatics" held at Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences, Split, Croatia, from 29 August to 2 September 2022.
Group mentor in the training workshop entitled "MedILS Summer School in Bioinformatics" held at Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences, Split, Croatia, from 20 August to 25 August 2023.
Reicipient of the 2023-2024 Erasmus scholarship for the Master Thesis in the Laboratory of Professor Arne Elofsson at the University of Stockholm.


Fiorentino, F., Sementilli, S., Menna, M., Turrisi, F., Tomassi, S., Pellegrini, F. R., Iuzzolino, A., D'Acunzo, F., Feoli, A., Wapenaar, H., Taraglio, S., Fraschetti, C., Del Bufalo, D., Sbardella, G., Dekker, F. J., Paiardini, A., Trisciuoglio, D., Mai, A., & Rotili, D. (2023). First-in-Class Selective Inhibitors of the Lysine Acetyltransferase KAT8. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 66(10), 6591–6616. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c01937

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