Sapienza University promotes and fosters application, valorisation, dissemination, and transfer of knowledge, know-how, and technologies for social changes by : 

  •  engaging and involving various communities, organisations, companies, governmental bodies, and institutions external to academia;
  •  working together to produce social impacts able to make a difference in the citizens' and communities' quality of life. 

In addition to the two main University's purposes, teaching and research, Sapienza develops concrete actions by interacting with other institutions, businesses and society in its various forms. These activities are related to two main areas:

  • Research Enhancement, which includes management of intellectual and industrial property, academic entrepreneurship and technology brokerage and transfer structures;
  • Production of public goods and civic/public engagement which includes lifelong learning opportunities, public goods and policies for inclusion, management and protection of cultural heritage, public health, scientific communication and open science, and activities related to the achievement of sustainable development goals in the economy and society.

The process of integrating citizens and communities to join in the planning, policy design and implementation process, as well as citizen science methodologies, implies a mutual understanding and recognition of the values and principles to maintain shared goals. With this in mind, Sapienza provides its know-how and high-quality expertise in the various fields of scientific knowledge to contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of contemporary society. 

Sapienza for Businesses

Sapienza promotes relations with companies through a series of collaboration opportunities related to the use of its patent portfolio, participation in spin-offs and start-ups, creation of proof of concept and attraction of business ideas through acceleration and incubation. Our University also supports public-private partnerships aimed at joint participation in research competitions and calls for national and European funding.

Sapienza for young people

Sapienza promotes scientific and civic education by involving schools through numerous paths for transversal skills and orientation, guided tours of museums and libraries, as well as scientific events and seminars aimed at young people and children, orientation activities for high-school graduates and career services for graduates.

Sapienza for schools

Sapienza carries out numerous activities for and with schools to support teacher training and students of all levels and their families, with increasing attention to the specific urban and social context in which the schools are located.

Sapienza for conscious citizenship

Sapienza contributes to the development of the territory and society by promoting public engagement, social inclusion, active citizenship, health protection, continuous training and professional development. It also contributes to enriching the city's cultural offerings by organising artistic, musical and theatrical events, scientific education projects and public service events and seminars.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma