Completed projects
The PCTO proposals (Paths for transversal skills and for orientation)
WellChem for the eco-sustainability of water
Experiment of "Citizen Science" and as such it implements good practices to involve citizens in the construction of scientific knowledge, promote knowledge, innovation and actively and consciously support sustainable development.
The proposed path aims to create a synergistic action between the school and the various Department structures involved: the teaching laboratories, the Primo Levi Museum of Chemistry and the Gabriello Illuminati Chemistry Library.
L’acqua è la sostanza da cui traggono origine tutte le cose - Talete
- 2022-2023 (end event: Museum Night 2023)
- IIS Largo Brodolini - Pomezia (RM)
- IIS Sandro Pertini - Alatri (FR)
- 2021-2022
- IT Alessandro Volta di Guidonia (RM)
- Liceo scientifico Ascanio Landi di Velletri (RM)
- IIS Carlo e Nello Rosselli di Aprilia (LT)
- ITIS Michael Faraday di Ostia Lido Roma
Google Books - La Sapienza partecipa al progetto nazionale Google Books Search
Many valuable books from the Illuminati Library have been made available in digital format on the net.