
The Academics of the Department of Medico-surgical Sciences and Biotecnologies, on the basis of the existing integration of basic and applied research programs and by virtue of the integration of existing research programs in basic and applied sciences with care activity in Health Departments of Health autority of Latina and Policlinico Umberto I of Rome, means:

·   to develop research topics in medical and industrial biotecnology for design and test new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for different genetic hereditary diseases, degenerative diseases and cancer.

·    to increase knowledge on the etiology, pathogenesis and progression of different diseases of  clinical and surgical interest, for the application of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

To achieve these objectives, academics propose, also through the complementarity of their specific sector: 

a) to optimize resources in the field of molecular and cellular biotechnology; 

b) to create biobanks and registers of epidemiological data; 

c) to design and test systems, pathways and innovative diagnostic and therapeutic protocols.

The main topics of the themes of research of the Department include:

• the study of morphological, molecular and functional substrates, at the base of diseases of oncological interest and not, in order to identify novel therapeutic approaches;

• technological innovation in the field of diagnostic imaging and surgical techniques, with particular reference to those minimally invasive and of positioning and relocation of substances and cellular compounds for therapeutic purposes and reconstruction;

• development of the use of stem cells in regenerative medicine and tissue reconstruction;
• epidemiological surveillance and prevention in the field of cardiovascular, metabolic and oncological diseases;

• the design of integrated diagnostic and therapeutic pathways in oncological, chronic and degenerative diseases of internal medicine and neurological as well psychiatric interest.

• the historical and legal framework of current issues of ethics and professional liability order.

The research, aimed at meeting the growing demands of a medicine of excellence and modern in content and applicability, will be developed in an integrated and functionally way, closely related to academic activities of the degree and master degree courses of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine in the Latina Campus, to the health care activities of the Health authority of Latina and the activities of the economic and productive environment.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma