II level University Master
DICEA Department - Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering
Thematic area: scientific-technological
Duration: ANNUAL
Credits: 60
Scientific Disciplinary Sector: GEO-05; ICAR-10; ICAR-11; ICAR-17; ICAR-14; ING-IND 11; ING-IND 22
Minimum number of members: 10
Maximum number of members: 48
Auditors are admitted for single modules. Each module consisting of two sub-modules of 3 credits for a total of 6 credits can be taught as a single course up to a maximum of 3 modules (18 credits).
Attendance requirement: 75% of the lessons
Italian language
Enrollment fee: €3,800.00 (to be paid in two installments: the first by 15 February 2023 and the second by 30 May 2023).