Giuseppe Monari, a physiotherapist and the creator of the RMP system, is from Rome. In 1967, he traveled to the USA to attend the PNF course (Metodo Kabat). Long-term experience in Italy in Florence, Milan, and Rome allowed him to develop the original PNFs and add all the necessary modifications to make their use olistic, laying the groundwork for the Riequilibrio modulare Progressivo system (RMP)
Elisabetta Sinibaldi is the director of instruction for our Master and is a physiotherapist in Rome. For many years, she was in charge of the physical therapists and the director of the university's fisiotherapy program at the historic Institute of Nervous and Mental Disease's at Neurorehabilitation Unit of the II Neurological Clinic of the Sapienza University of Rome. She has started with Perfetti's neurocognitive school before moving on to Meziere's methodology and finally approaching Monari's RMP methodology. She has overseen every educational and organizational aspect of the Master since its first edition.
Antonio PIli - Physiotherapist - Rome - Long rehabilitation and teaching experience at the Neuroriabilitation of the II Neurological Clinic of Sapienza University of Rome, in the historic Institute of Nervous and Mental Diseases. Always at Giuseppe Monari's side, he is a great interpreter of the method of Modular Progressive Reeducation (RMP) (Kabat concept).
Filippo Castiglia - Physiotherapist - Rome - Long rehabilitation, teaching and research experience at the Neuroriabilitation of the II Neurological Clinic of Sapienza University of Rome, in the historic Institute of Nervous and Mental Illnesses Always by Giuseppe Monari's side he is also a great interpreter of the method of Progressive Modular Re-education (RMP) (Kabat concept). A researcher in the field of rehabilitation, movement analysis and clinical biomechanics , he is currently a board member of the Italian Society of Movement Analysis in Clinic (SIAMOC)
Rita Cantarini - Physiotherapist - Genoa - Together with Eliana Bacigaluppi, thanks to the teachings of their masters Giuseppe Monari and Prof. Milani Comparetti and their long experience in children's rehabilitation, they reworked PNF techniques laying the foundations for the method of Progressive Modular Education (EMP). Author of Books and has taught at the University of Genoa.
Eliana Bacigaluppi - Physiotherapist Genoa -Together with Rita Cantarini, thanks to the teachings of their masters Giuseppe Monari and Prof. Milani Comparetti and their long experience in developmental rehabilitation, they rework the PNF techniques laying the foundations for the method of Progressive Modular Education (EMP). Author of Books and has taught at the University of Genoa
Giuseppe Borgo - Physiotherapist - Naples - Great and long experience rehabilitating and teaching Bobath Neurorehabilitation Methodology. Has brought innovative aspects in the implementation of the Bobath concept in the developmental age and adult.
Sergio Maria Giovanni Vinciguerra - Physiotherapist - Rome - He has been in service at the ACO San Filippo Neri in Rome since 1986 and has served as coordinator and lecturer in the School for Rehabilitation Therapists at the Degree Course in Physiotherapy at the U.C.S.C. sede San Filippo Neri Rome. He has been Director and lecturer at the Degree Course in Physiotherapy and at La Sapienza University of Rome. He is a second level lecturer of the International Association of Doctors of Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise. He has a long teaching experience on Neurocognitive Rehabilitation according to Perfetti born from Prof. Perfetti's ingenious insights and also known as Perfetti Method, Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise (ETC) and Neurocognitive Rehabilitation.
Franca Antonietta Pantè - Physiotherapist - Vicenza - She was the Scientific Director of the Villa Miari Neurocognitive Rehabilitation Study Center. International Responsible Director for the Training of Experienced Teachers and Rehabilitators in Neurocognitive Rehabilitation by Carlo Perfetti. Delegated by Professor Carlo Perfetti founder and father of the "Neurocognitive Theory of Rehabilitation" to the organization of educational activities and the training of internationally experienced neurocognitive teachers and rehabilitators
Marco Antonio Mangiarotti- Physiotherapist - Rome - A great interpreter of the Vojta method with experience also in the Kabat and Mckenzie methods, he was a founding member and Vice President of the Italian Association of Vojta Therapists. Creator with colleague Fulvio Cavuoto of the A.S.P. Method and ANIK specialization courses on water rehabilitation. He has been president of the National Association of Hydrokinesitherapists (ANIK). He has long experience rehabilitating and teaching the Vojta Method and hydrokinesiotherapy in both adulthood and developmental age. Author of several books on these methods.
Marco Malizia- Physiotherapist and Osteopath - Rome - He was a lecturer and physiotherapist at Sapienza University of Rome in the II Neurological Clinic of the historic Institute of Nervous and Mental Diseases. He is a great interpreter of manual therapy and different osteopathic techniques with long experience in both neurological and orthopedic diseases.
Lino Santilli - Physiotherapist and Osteopath - Rome - Osteopath and Physiotherapist with 20 years of experience in private practice - co-founding partner of HeAL Clinic - and in the hospital setting at the Policlinico Umberto I hospital in Rome, where oltr the outpatient activity he is the head of the Outpatient Physiotherapy Service and the Intensive Care Unit of the Department of Neurology. Lecturer in the Physiotherapy degree course and lecturer at the first- and second-level master's programs of the Faculty of Medicine at "La Sapienza" University of Rome. He has extensive experience in manual and osteopathic treatment of neurological and orthopedic conditions.
David Blow - Physiotherapist - He is the founder and president of the NeuroMuscular Taping Institute, based in Rome since 2003, in New York since 2012, in Jakarta, Indonesia since 2015 and in Buenos Aires for South and Central America since 2016. He is himself an international instructor of neuromuscular taping in europe, the United States, africa, and asia. He has 30 years of therapeutic experience in rehabilitation. In 2003 he developed the innovative concept of NeuroMuscular Taping (nmtconcept), which has become very popular over time creating significant changes in the field of medical rehabilitation.
Gaetana Pascucci - Physiotherapist - Long rehabilitation and teaching experience in different rehabilitation techniques: manual therapy techniques, Global Postural Reeducation - Mezieres - Neuromuscular Taping
Chara Prudente - Physiotherapist - A professional with a degree in physiotherapy in 1999, she has gained a great deal of experience over time in rehabilitation in general, especially of the spine. The techniques used by Dr. Prudente are RMP (kabat concept), RPG, Mckenzie, Back School, Kinesiotaping.
Massimo Mencarini - Physiotherapist - Extensive rehabilitation and teaching experience, currently Didactic Director of the Bachelor's Degree Course in Physiotherapy E at Sapienza University of Rome - Experience and specialization of the neurological, cardiorespiratory and pelvic floor areas
Giuseppe Oropallo - Physiotherapist - Rome - Long rehabilitation and teaching experience. For many years alongside Giuseppe Monari, he has been a great interpreter of the method of Modular Progressive Reeducation (RMP) (Kabat concept).
Antonio Faggiano - Physiotherapist - Rome - Long rehabilitation and teaching experience. For many years alongside Giuseppe Monari and Elisabetta Sinibaldi, he is a great interpreter of the Modular Progressive Reeducation (RMP) (Kabat concept) method.
Pasquale Colacelli - Physiotherapist - Rome - Specialized in Global Postural Re-education Souchard method, Kabat concept Neurorehabilitation, Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Sports Rehabilitation.
Paola Caruso - Physiotherapist - Great and long experience rehabilitating and teaching Bobath Neurorehabilitation Methodology.
Ise Breghi - Fsiotherapist - Pisa - Specialized in Neurocognitive Rehabilitation. Holds study and refresher courses at public and private institutions, in Italy and abroad, whose program is aimed at updating physicians and therapists working in the field of developmental age. Collaborating with Dr. Puccini, since 1982, she has been appointed secretary of the Association "Centro Studi L.S.Vygotskij" in Pisa within which she acts as a tutor for therapists interested in internship.
Giulia Frollano - Physiotherapist - Pisa - Specialized in Neurocognitive Rehabilitation at the Centro Studi di Riabilitazione Neurocognitiva, founded by Prof. Carlo Perfetti ("Villa Miari" - VI) and in Neurocognitive Rehabilitation in Developmental Age at the Centro Studi L.S.Vygotskij in Pisa, founded by Dr. Paola Puccini and Dr. Ise Breghi.
Valerio Sarmati - Physiotherapist - Rome - Specializing in the recovery of post-stroke patients through neurocognitive rehabilitation
Nima Tracanna - Rome - Physiotherapist - She was president of the Cooperativa Sociale di Azione Riabilitativa (CAR), specializing in cognitive rehabilitation.
Luca Barni - Physiotherapist, Osteopath, graduate in Exercise Science - Montecatini Terme (Pistoia) - Long rehabilitation and teaching experience, specializing in manual therapy techniques, therapeutic exercise, instrumental physical therapy for the treatment of peripheral biological tissues in neuro-muscular-skeletal disorders.
Marco Bravi - Physiotherapist - Rome - Lecturer, clinical tutor and personal tutor in the Degree Course in Physiotherapy, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome - Expert in neuromotor and robotic rehabilitation.
Mariella Seminara - Physiotherapist - Catanea - Didactic Director of the Degree Course in Physiotherapy, University of Catania - Expert in Parkinson's disease rehabilitation - Contributed to the drafting of the Italian guidelines on rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease.
Leonardo Pellicciari - Physiotherapist - Florence - Has served as treasurer of the Italian Society of Physiotherapy. Assistant Editor for BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders and member of the Editorial Board of Archives of Physiotherapy. Adjunct professor at the University of Florence and the University of Rome La Sapienza, Since 2021 he has been working as a physiotherapy researcher at the IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi in Florence. and his lines of research concern the evaluation of measuring instruments and their measurement properties and new technologies in neurological rehabilitation.
Claudia Biricolti - Physiotherapist - Florence - Large and long experience rehabilitating and teaching Bobath Neurorehabilitation Methodology. Bobath Instructor IBITA. Updating, revisiting and applying the Bobath concept in the adult. Lecturer in Physiotherapy Methodology at the Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy at the University of Florence. Works at the Azienda Sanitaria Fiorentina -Presidio Ospedaliero S.M. Annunziata.