F.A. Bovino
F. A. Bovino (Leonardo S.p.A.) -CV_2020_Fabio Antonio Bovino.pdf - Pubblicazioni - Brevetti
Email: fabioantonio.bovino@uniroma1.it
Fabio Antonio Bovino, born in 02/03/1969, was employed at Elsag, a Finmeccanica Company, in September 2001 (LEONARDO in January 2016).
He is the founder and the chief scientist of Quantum Optics Lab. He has participated to national and international research projects financed by MIUR, Italian Ministry of Defense and European Community.
He is author of more than 99 publications in national/international journals and 14 patents in the fields of Foundation of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and Computing. Highlights are the first demonstration of a quantum cloning machine (2001), the first experiment beyond Bell’s Inequalities for entanglement characterization (2004), the design and the realization of the first Quantum Cryptography Italian product: the Q-KeyMaker®.
He was Lecturer at ICTP The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics and at Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for International Culture, where he was, in 2012, Director of course Advances in Nanophotonics.
He was awarded in 2004 and 2012 with FINMECCANICA Innovation Prize, in 2005, 2006 with Elsag Innovation Prize and, in 2008, with Best Patent Prize, in 2010 with Selex-SI Innovation Prize.
He is member of the teaching and scientific board of Second Level Master on Optics and Quantum Information - University of Rome "Sapienza".