
The aim of our "Red shoes" project is to provide a forum for discussion between students and teachers of all disciplines that can help identify the reasons for gender-based violence and how to counteract it. A further aim is to use art to spread a clear anti-violence message. The language of art - whether it is conveyed through illustration, animation, graphic design - is always immediate, international and cuts across all age groups and social classes. It is thus the ideal medium for getting our message across.

The Rome-based artist Laika, well-known for her commitment to social justice, has also agreed to take part in our opening event.

The Differenza Donna Association was founded in Rome on 6 March 1989 and operates at both local and national level. Its mission is to understand, combat, prevent and overcome gender-based violence in all its forms. Its work is underpinned by the belief that the discrimination, marginalisation and subjection of women is a serious, widespread and complex social phenomenon that needs specific skills if it is to be combatted effectively. As part of its campaign against domestic violence against women and children, Differenza Donna has promoted the Emergenza Codice Rosa (E.C.R.) service.
Set up in 2008 in collaboration with the social services and the Emergency personnel at the Policlinico Umberto 1 in Rome and other hospitals, the ECR provides for a set of support measures against violence to be used in tandem with emergency medical triage as a guaranteed fast-track service for victims of domestic violence. Differenza Donna has also promoted a number of educational projects in schools that have gained widespread recognition at home and abroad.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma