OSNET is a Targeted Thematic Network on Ornamental and Dimensional Stones, funded by the European Commission under the Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme. http://www.osnet.ntua.gr/Root_Pages/The_Network.htm
One of the main activities of the OSNET Network is the publication of various editions. The purpose of which is to make the Network known to a wider public and to disseminate useful knowledge and information to EU stakeholders in order to effectively address the EU stone sector problems. The Network editions are available in hard copy and are also included in the Network Web site. These involve:
· The Annual Workshop Proceedings which include the keynote lectures, the presentations of the working groups, the round table discussion and conclusions of the annual OSNET Workshop.
· Technical Editions which include the results of the Sector working groups on key issues in the Sector concerning best practice/solution methodologies on stone characterisation, production, use of equipment, safety and environmental aspects.
List of published technical editions