The Museum
The VOEM Museum follows the fundamental objectives of the University, namely training and research, and pursues the third mission, that is, it works to promote the enhancement and use of knowledge to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the Company.
In this perspective, it is committed to communicating and disseminating knowledge through a direct relationship with the territory and with all its actors. The main purpose of the VOEM Museum is to disseminate the scientific results of the archaeological researches of Sapienza, offer students a valid training laboratory, start new research paths, disseminate to the general public and school students the results of the archaeological enterprises that have made our Ateneo one of the major centers of excellence in the field of archeology.
In order to pursue these objectives, the Museum offers a program of guided tours and playful-educational workshops, conferences and seminars and participates in events to pursue these objectives thanks to the collaboration of the students of the three-year and master's degrees, of the School of Specialization in Cultural Heritage, of the Doctoral School in Archeology. and to the events promoted by Sapienza and the Polo Museale.