Aldo Roveri

Role: Full professor
Phone: + 39 0644585656
Fax: +39 064744481
Office Room: Dip. INFO-COM Stanza 6
Office Hours: Dip. INFO-COM Stanza 6; Mercoledì 10:15-11:30


Aldo Roveri achieved a full-honours degree in Electrical Engineering and the “Libera docenza” title at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome. Since 1969 he has been with the Engineering Faculty of the same University , where he is currently a Professor in Telecommunication. His research activities have been addressed on digital communications, in particular towards signal processing, transmission and networking topics in successive periods. Currently his main research interest include Internet developments and new trends in mobile networks. These activities have been presented in above 100 scientific papers and in some books about analog filter design, discrete-time system, queuing system theory, analog-digital telephone networks and ISDN. From 1988 to 1995 Professor Roveri had the scientific responsibility over the “Telecommunication Project”, a five year research program on high speed telecommunication networks, supported by the National Research Council (CNR). He covered also important positions in international and national bodies and has been engaged to carry out, manage, and evaluate research activities for more than thirty years. At present he is Scientific Director of CoRiTel, a research consortium in the field of Telecommunications for the cooperation between University and Industry.