RESTART - Watering IoTs


Efficient management of water resources, continuous monitoring/learning of demand and flows, fast alarm/reaction to faults are key components of a Smart infrastructure for Water Supply Systems (SWSS). Thanks to low-cost, low-energy sensors integrated in an Internet of Things (IoT) platform we can provide precious sensing information of a SWSS, both as for water distribution and water leaks. The project Watering IoTs (WITS) focuses on a massive use of IoT to monitor and optimize the WSS, by combining short and long term decisions based on continuous and massive data collection, signal processing on networks and AI analysis. The key WITS components will be: i) Smart water IoT infrastructure design; ii) Massive IoT multiple access design, to accommodate continuous collection of data from many devices scattered in the water distribution network; iii) Data collection through LPWAN IoT technologies and network orchestration at the Edge and Cloud aiming at monitoring the network and intercept, in short time periods, issues related to the water distribution; iv)Sensed data analysis using graph signal processing and AI methods; v) Setup of a mechanism to monitor and enforce smart contracts via dynamic Service Level Agreements(SLA); vi) Performance assessment via simulations and application to real case study where data collected in a WSS will be analyzed and used for water balancing, usage prediction and leaks detection.


This project is supported by the European Union under the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) of NextGenerationEU, partnership on “Telecommunications of the Future” (PE00000001 - program “RESTART”).