Hackathon on CEREBELLUM MODELLING - 13-15/01/2020

Pavia, 13-15 January, 2020
Organized by Neurocomputation Laboratory, Dept. of Brain and Behavioural Sciences, University of Pavia (Via Forlanini 6 - 27100 - Pavia, Italy) The Hackathon on CEREBELLUM MODELLING will illustrate cerebellum models and provide tutorials for their development and applications. The course is designed with selected presentations and large space for hands-on experience. The attendees will be introduced to the main themes of cerebellum modelling and to the use of the HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT research infrastructure, Brain Simulation Platform and future EBRAINS, addressing the principles of multiscale brain modelling. In this Hackathon, the attendees will elaborate and simulate computational models of neurons and networks of the cerebellum.
Topics will include:
- an illustration of the Brain Simulation Platform models and use cases and of the related modelling languages (PYTHON, NEURON, NEST, PYNN, SONATA, ARBOR)
- the foundations of realistic data-driven neuronal modelling, including biophysical principles, model matching to experimental data (optimization), supervised model simplification.
- the foundations of realistic data-driven microcircuit modelling, especially cell placement and connectivity in microcircuit scaffolds
- the scale-up to large-scale and brain models and their incorporation in robots, neuromorphic hardware and virtual brain.
Aula Magna, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci, 12, 27100 Pavia PV
Egidio D’Angelo ( dangelo@unipv.it )
Claudia Casellato ( claudia.casellato@unipv.it )
Simona Tritto ( simona.tritto@unipv.it )
data evento:
Lunedì, 13 Gennaio, 2020 to Mercoledì, 15 Gennaio, 2020
tipo evento: